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Chestermere Fit Body Boot Camp

Unit 107A, 300 Merganser Dr W, Chestermere, Canada
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



Fit Body Boot Camp does one thing, and we do it better than anyone else!

We deliver personal trainer designed and lead fitness and fat loss workouts! Discover The Chestermere Fitness Boot Camp That Burns Twice The Fat, Gets You Fit And Challenges Your Body Every Time.



👆👆 . 💪💪 . 👍👍 . 🙏🙏

While there are technically two days left in our MEGA 6 week challenge, our first sets of final results are in!!! Evonna and Jay joined together earlier this year, and were getting good results. They wanted to ramp up their progress and joined our Drop Pounds Get Paid Challenge at the end of April. In the last 6 weeks, they’ve lost a massive combined 18.5” off their bodies, and a tremendous combined 26.4 lbs! Awesome work, both of you! #couplesgoals

Let’s talk planks! Most people have done a plank before, but did you know with a couple of small adjustments you can drastically increase the effectiveness of this isometric full body exercise? Repositioning your hands so your arms are parallel makes the shoulder joint more structural, allowing you to transfer the tension off your shoulders and on to your core, which is where you want to feel it. If you find that planks aren’t that challenging to hold, lengthen your base by creating more distance between your toes and your elbows. By stretching out that way, you change the leverage, and increase the load on your active muscle groups. Lastly, any time you’re doing a plank, ensure that all your core muscles are engaged, abs, back and obliques. This helps stabilize your body and spine to ensure you’re doing it safely. And of course, always consult a trained professional if you are trying something new. See you soon!

Feeling down? Work out! Exercise produces endorphins that make you feel happier. Couple that with the feeling of accomplishment that comes with stepping up and putting in the work, and your day is far better. We all have days where we just don’t want to put in the effort. The difference between the people who take control of their lives and those who remain the status quo is that one group gets up and does it anyway. When you don’t want to work out, that’s the biggest indication that the time to work out is right now. So go do it. You’ll be glad you did!

Continual growth comes from continual perseverance. Every time you achieve a new benchmark, set out to beat it! Take pride in your accomplishments and appreciate those moments, then use that energy to build your momentum and keep pushing forwards. The moment you stop moving forward is the moment you start moving backwards. Set new goals bigger and better than the old ones every time you break through old barriers, and keep #crushing it!

Hey everyone! Ramona has graciously jumped in to run the remainder of today’s sessions (with me being sick), so hurray! Boot camp is on again! Thank you Ramona!

This is Dun Briste, a sea stack off the coast of Ireland. It’s a mass of stone over 200 feet long, 75 feet wide, and as tall as a 15 storey building. One day it will come crashing down. Dun Briste, and other sea stacks, are created by the perpetual motion of the water around them. The water erodes the base, causing portions to fall. Eventually, the persistent motion of the water will break it down to nothing. The ocean will not stop, and in the end the stone will succumb. Treat your goals like stone, and be like water.

How we feel every morning 😉

Our newest member of the Centennial club! . Congratulations, Sabrina, on reaching your 100th class! Keep up the awesome work!

Landmark day last week! Two committed, hardworking ladies hitting milestones on the same day! Keep up the great work, both of you!

First to 200! Awesome work, Melody, you’re an inspiration to so many!

Remember Vittoria? She just finished her 💯th session, and absolutely killed it! . #strongerthanyesterday
