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Community Clean Up / Household Hazardous Waste Day - June 3.
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The Town of Carbonear is now accepting resumes for summer student positions for the Tourism and Recreation Departments. Resumes can be dropped off at the Town Office at 256 Water Street. Please specify whether you would like to be considered for positions at the museums or recreation program or outside maintenance or if you would like to be considered for all positions. Questions relating to Recreation positions can be directed to Rob Button at 709-596-7535, and Museum positions can be directed to Kai Bath at 709-596-3831,
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Volunteer Appreciation Night
Bulk Waste Collection Bulk Garbage will be collected on Monday, May 8. Residents must have items to the roadside by 8 am to guarantee collection. The contractor will be making ONE pass only through each street. Residents are encouraged to clean up debris around their properties that has accumulated throughout the winter and spring and other bulk items they may have for removal. Items for pick up can be placed near the street. Glass shall be boxed and “GLASS” written on items. Metals Collection If you have metals for collection, please contact the Council Office and provide your name, civic address and items to be collected. Metal items are collected on the last Friday of the month starting May 26 by Council Staff.
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Volunteer Night, April 27.
Photos from Town of Carbonear's post
Mayor Butt with Atlantic Boychoir members Matthew Cooper and Liam Rowe at Bethany United Church.
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Today at the TC Square!
Shortlist for 2017 NL Book Awards announced in Carbonear
Shortlist for 2017 NL Book Awards announced at Carbonear Public Library
Photos from Town of Carbonear's post
Carbonear Harbour Today! Photos: Gerry Strong