This page is created to show the potential that the Carbonear Downtown has to offer.
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facebook.comCongratulations to The Painted Mango Decor Shop and The Hotline Cafe on their relocation and grand opening, respectively.
There will be a regular council meeting today, April 3, 2017 at 4:00pm. All visitors and citizens are encouraged to attend.
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What a deal!
There will be a regular council meeting today, March 6, 2017 at 4:00pm. All residents and visitors are welcome to attend.
Do you know what day this is??????? Today is National Pink Shirt Day. Wear a pink shirt in support of Communities Against Violence.
The Beach Road and Lower Southside Road are now passable. Deputy Mayor Frank.
The Beach Road and Lower Southside Road are now passable. Deputy Mayor Frank.
The Beach is closed from Pike's Lane to Pondside Road. Lower Road along Taylor's Beach is also closed. These areas are closed for safety reasons as the high tide and rough seas are causing debris to wash onto the roads. When the tide drops and the concern has passed, the areas will be reopened. Stay Safe!!
There will be a regular council meeting today at 4:00pm. All visitors and residents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Deputy Mayor Frank Butt
Congratulations and best wishes to Carbonear resident Sandra Smith and Hr. Grace resident Crystal Young as they travel to Saskatchewan from January 12th to 15th to train for the Special Olympics Team Canada being held in Austria in March 2017. Sandra is competing in Snowshoeing 100, 200 and 400m and Crystal in 1500m and 5km. All the best girls.
There will be a regular council meeting today, Monday, January 9, 2017 at 4:00pm. I would encourage all residents and visitors to attend and take in what is happening in our great town of Carbonear. Deputy Mayor Frank Butt
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