Spencer's Photos - Photography Workshops
Are you Interested in learning photography? I have many Nature Photography Workshops running throughout the year. Personal lessons are also available.
Feel free to ask me any questions related to Nature Photography, this page provides an opportunity for nature lovers/photography lovers to learn more about the art of Nature Photography. Upcoming events and workshops will be posted as well. My goal is to help you in your photographic journey, and to achieve your goals!
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facebook.comNature Photography Fail. Spooking Deer. High Winds
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White-Throated Sparrow
Timeline Photos
Female Bufflehead https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=120bMzJY6kE
Speedy solar wind sparks Aurora Borealis across Canada
Big Northern Lights show tonight! https://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/articles/speedy-solar-wind-sparks-aurora-borealis-march27/80782/
Canadian Geographic
Timeline Photos
Spencer's Photos - Photography Workshops's cover photo
Timeline Photos
Fisher. no other animal will mess with him
Timeline Photos
I love driving along this river, its probably my favourite place ever. This hill is not the largest compared to whats up the road.
Photographing Birds In The Park.
Photos from Spencer's Photos - Photography Workshops's post
Great way to spend your Saturday morning!