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Royal Canadian Legion Calmar Alberta #266

4815-47th Street, Calmar, Canada
Non-Profit Organization



We serve veterans and their dependents, promote Remembrance and act in the service of Canada and its communities. 780-985-3325
Rental Inq:780-985-2258
The purposes and objects of the Legion shall be:
to constitute an association of those who have served or are serving in Her Majesty's armed forces or any auxiliary force and of others who support the purposes and objects of the Legion, which association shall be democratic and non-sectarian, and shall not be affiliated to or connected directly or indirectly with any political party or organization;
to bring about the unity of all who have so served;
to further among them the spirit of comradeship and mutual help and the close and kindly ties of active service;
to pass on to their families and descendants the traditions for which they stand;
to perpetuate the memory and deeds of the fallen and of those who die in the future;
to promote and care for memorials to their valour and sacrifice, to provide suitable burial if required, to keep an annual memorial day, to preserve the records and memories of their service and to see that such services shall not be forgotten by the nation;
to ensure that proper attention shall be paid to the welfare of all who have served and the welfare of their dependents and to see to the maintenance and comfort of those who require special treatment, particularly the disabled, sick, aged and needy, and to promote the welfare of the dependents;
to educate public opinion regarding national duties to the dead, the disabled and others who have served, and their dependents;

to foster loyalty among the public and education in the principles of patriotism, duty and unstinted public service;
to strive for peace, goodwill and friendship among all nations, at the same time advocating the maintenance by Canada of adequate and sufficient forces on land, sea and in the air for the defence of our country and for the discharge of those obligations which rest upon us by virtue of our partnership in the Commonwealth;
to support suitable undertakings for the training, employment and settlement of ex-service personnel, and the education of their children;
to preserve their statutory, acquired and legitimate rights, and those of their dependents and, in so doing, to offer the Legion's co-operation to
those officially charged with the responsibility of administering such rights by federal or other governments;
to assist comrades now serving, especially in connection with their return to civil life, and to safeguard the interests of their dependents whilst they are in service;
to assist ex-service personnel to secure not less than the recognized standard rates of wages;
to secure adequate pensions, allowances, grants and war gratuities for ex-service personnel, their dependents, and the widows, children and dependents of those who are dead, and to labour for honourable provision being made for those who, in declining years, are unable to support themselves;
to cooperate with the Commonwealth and allied associations of similar aims and objects;


NEAR Royal Canadian Legion Calmar Alberta #266