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MKI Marketing Solutions

P.C. 92092 Portobello, Brossard, Canada
Consulting/business services



We Are Here To Help You Achieve Successful Results From Geared Solutions For Your Specific Needs! Mahatma Gandhi once said, « Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. »

As I learn and build the skill-sets necessary to becoming a top earner and a top recruiter in our industry, I agree even more today to the statement above.

In fact, I can make a strong argument that learning is everything you need to focus on. Without the proper knowledge, how will any network marketer know what are the specific skill-sets they need to learn to build their organization the right way?

Why so many of us are still stumbling and failing?

I believe it has to do with the lack of knowledge of the industry and what it takes to truly succeed.

I was one of them…

Every time I joined a new team, I believed I found the right team that would be able to teach me how to build my business successfully. The only problem is that I trusted the words of some rather doing my own due diligence before joining a team.

Ask yourself, how many times have you made a décision based on the opinion shared from someone you valued?

The answer should be as surprising to you as it was for me…

Maybe?! Maybe Not?!

Nonetheless, you must have heard about the statistics right…

95+% of network marketers fail in their business?

Here’s why…

Action without any knowledge is just ignorant.

It’s like saying I prefer working hard rather than working smart. Only because you find out if you want to work smart you will need to commit to being consistent from here on out and always keeping your word.

Anyone can be consistent when your energy is at an all-time high. We all know that  it’s at évents your partners will get that high of energy, but I’ll explain this in details on another day.

Coming back to consistency!

The reason why you keep on struggling is simply because you still don’t have a system laid out properly nor the skill-sets necessary to capitalized from the energy and confidence network marketers normally gain from any major event. So you can build what I call your  « consistent momentum »

The reason why events are so important is because it allows you and your team to catch the vision together at the same place. it works like magic when your team already has a game plan established for everyone to execute, in the next 72hrs at least…

As a network marketer, a team without the same goal or a system laid out for everyone to use isn’t setting you up for success.

Now if you realized you do not know how to build your teams « systems », you now know you have something more to learn how to do.

That is one of many other skill-sets you might need!

After 4 years in the network marketing industry, studying all the skill-sets every network marketer needs from the best teachers, coaches, and mentors in the industry. The decision I made to keep on investing in my education was the best decision I could have made.

For those who sincerely want to transition from working part-time to full-time in their business. Will only be able to accomplish, once we learn the skill-sets needed to build our businesses.


10 Ways to Quickly Generate Leads

/// Marketing & Sales /// Your business blog is not the only way of generating leads - newsletters, b2b eBooks, network events, and highly shareable infographics have been proven to tap into leads that are eager and sensitive to your call to action. - The KiD

The Ultimate Guide to Finding Your Unique Selling Proposition

/// Marketing & Sales /// Defining your brand is the only viable way of carving a space amongst the competition. Entrepreneurs tend to focus on emulating the look and feel of their competitors, that they lose focus. Take a piece of market share by emphasizing your USP - Unique Selling Proposition.

Up Beat Performances

You are setting yourself for failure if you don't have a proper health plan in place. Follow me at Up Beat Performances! - The Action KiD

Up Beat Performances

Follow me at Up Beat Performances! - MKI

Up Beat Performances

Follow Me at Up Beat Performances - Coach KD

This Is Your Wake Up Call

My friends, After several attempts, I had to offer my services all in one place. Follow me at Up Beat Performances to find great articles, videos, tips & tricks to help and guide you on your new UPBEAT Lifestyle! - Coach KD Mes amies, Après plusieurs tentatives, j'ai dû recommencer a batir un seul endroit ou je peux offrir tous mes services.r Suivez-moi à Up Beat Performances pour trouver d'excellents articles, video, trucs & astuces qui vous guiderons sur votre style de vie UPBEAT! - Coach KD

Up Beat Performances

/// Follow Me Here /// So I realized it was time-consuming dealing with managing all social media page and website and newsletters. I decided to incorporate all my coaching and consultation services and knowledge all in one place. Follow me Up Beat Performances Where I will share with you posts based on four core areas of my life I focus on to help you on your healthy life transformation journey. See you there! - Coach Khalid ============================ /// Suivez Moi Ici /// J'ai donc réalisé qu'il me fallait beacoup plus de gestion de temps de tous mes pages de médias sociaux et site Web et bulletins electronique. J'ai donc décidé d'incorporer tous mes services de consultation et de connaissances en un seul endroit. Suivez-moi Up Beat Performances Où je partagerai avec vous de l'information basé sur les quatre domaines centraux de ma vie, et pour vous aider sur votre voyage de votre transformation de vie saine. On se retrouve là-bas! - Coach Khalid

Timeline Photos

[ Daily Fact ] Are you a victim of this scam?

Timeline Photos

Network Marketing Pro - Eric Worre - Videos | Facebook

[ Network Marketing ] Good Morning! This video from Eric Worre breaking down one of Gary V.'s saying during a speach about network Marketing. You are a network Marketer? You are thinking of joining in the Network Marketing Industry? You don't believe Network Marketing? Liste to what Eric has to say about it! -MKI Ps. Eric is another International Speaker you can find plenty of video for some early bird motivation!

Video Series 1 - Market Research

[ Video Series - Market Research ] When beginning your market research you have to have a keen eye for little details and finding your markets jargon. Your goal is to be able to get deep into their minds and emotions of what would your ideal customer be like. Find Key jargon used & phrases; Find their experiences & expertise; Find their biggest fears, frustrations, pains, desires,...; Find the type of technology they use most; Find their social & cultural environment; Questions To Help You Get Started! - What does my offer do best? - Who does it best serve? - What those "people" look like? - What/How they think? - What do they buy? - What facebook pages they tend to like? - What is keeping them up at night? - What are their deepest desires/fears/concerns? ***REMEMBER*** Your main goal is to get this research completed to be able to study it, and soon enough start crafting your avatar! - MKI

Video Series 1 - Market Research

[ Video Series Intro ]

[ Video Series Intro ]


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