Somos una Iglesia cristo céntrica, nuestro objetivo en la riv-sud de Montreal es pregonar de Cristo Jesús, y llevar su evangelio a toda persona!!
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS“Todo tiene su tiempo, y todo lo que se quiere debajo del cielo tiene su hora” Eclesiastés 3:1.
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15:00hs Culto de Alabanza y adoracion!! Dios tiene una palabra para ti! No llegues tarde.
como esta tu vida?
Para reflexionar, y examinar nuestras vidas..
Photos from Catedral de Vida's post
Ya casi todo esta listo Jesus fuel primero en llegar, quien le sigue..9:30..
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Sábado 23 de Abril con mucha actividad en Catedral de Vida. 09:30hs Reunion de Hombres. Casa Pastoral. 18:00hs Reunion de LIDERES Y COLABORADORES. Sala de reuniones Catedral de Vida.
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Te esperamos Casa Pastoral..9:30am - Confirma tu presencia!!
Oremos por Ecuador!!
Dear Brothers and sisters Greetings In the Name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May the Lord Bless you each one of you in for your Prayers with Support. God has a wonderful Plan for each one of you. You little support is giving Drinking Water to Many Poor and needed People India. Through your support we got a GOOD Motor Pump, to its giving fill Water to many thirsty People in this summer days. In India every Year thousand of people died because No Drinking Water, to people, also many animals ,like Cows, dogs, birds, die during this summer season. When we started Building Church, we Prayed to God for Drinking Water for Church and also to give free drinking Water to many people. God blessed ground with drinking Water, so we put deep up to 220 feet’s down for water. This deep boor well is giving good drinking Water, when we put whole for pump, the Technician said you should put pump soon, because this boor well will fill with water and close the whole with mud. Because we went to deep whole long 220feets. So I prayed to god, My Lord you gave us Good Drinking Water, I spend all money for this Building and boor well, Lord I Need a motor pump to get water out soon so the Whole wont be close, when I am Praying to God, Lord Said ask to Bro. Samuel, I will help through Him. But I don’t want o ask to Bro.Samuel, because I don’t know his finical, states, so I was fasting ,asking GOD to pleases help me, again Lord said you ask Bro.Samuel so one day I was prayed and asked to Bro.Samuel , He said I have to tell them the Elders, I said ok. Then I speak to GOD Lord you told me ask Bro.Samuel, but he said he wants to ask Elders. Again Lord answered me with Matthew 6:6 your Heavenly Father is going to give you whatever you need , so go and Pray in your room. So I was happy to after my heavenly Father Answer, then I was waiting on Lord for Help. So days is going on , again Technician said, you should fit the Motor soon, of you will lose money for boor well, then again I asked GOD Lord Please Help me. Then I was asked bro. Samuel he said you will receive money soon. The I was waiting for Lord. So money came, I went to Motor shop, shop to buy motor pump. We fixed on boor well. Lord helped in time to get Water out to give many poor People. When I explained to all brothers and sisters they feel very happy and Praised God for CDV church Canada. Through this Motor pump we can give Drinking Water to many people, to drink Water.People are blessings to all Brothers and sisters to CDV. Thank you so Mach for your Support and Support. Thank you Brother Samuel and Family.
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Hoy Dios tiene algo especial para ti, un renuevo especial para tu vida, un aire de descanso, una esperanza a tus problemas. NO dejes que el enemigo quite lo que Dios tiene para ti. Hoy es día de oración en la Iglesia, no te dejes engañar!! Los días de oración, los domingos cuando tenemos que ir a la casa de Dios, siempre hay un pero o un problema, lucha con eso, porque hay algo hermoso para ti!!!
Catedral de Vida