Personal Training ,UFE PRO, Certified Life Coach Practitioner Personal Training
Transformation Classes
Weight Training programs and food journals
Boot Camp Clinics
Personal Training at the Keep N Fit Studio
One on one Personal training $40 per 1/2 hour. Includes your workouts and Nutrition information. Cycle classes, Boot Camps and Transformation Classes with food journals available.
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facebook.comHeading to worlds and 10 weeks.😀
Abs 4x20
Ab goals for competing next year at age 55 .. 😀
For all the wonderful ladies that text me about their stories. It's not easy when your husband cheats on you but believe me it does get better. Here's a few things to try and help you.😀
The Crystal Suit! The best around!
All transformation classes from September till November are completely full. So happy and can't wait to get you all started for your journey. I have some that have registered already for November if you're thinking you want to do this please make sure that I know. It seems these classes are going quite fast because they are so successful! So happy to be helping so many people change their lives😀
Congratulations on almost 20 pound weight loss Teresa Wrona Jazbec My weight/food/fitness relationship really started at the age of 6. I was diagnosed with a Thyroid condition which is an autoimmune disease. It went untreated until I was 21 which I believe contributed to me gaining weight slowly year after year. I was always athletic/active all through public school/high school/university, even with a weight issue. Yet for some reason when I bought my own house, I stopped my activity levels. I met my husband a year later and we dined out more than I had ever done in the past, yet he also introduced me to golf so we had a great activity outlet. In 2005 at the age of 40 I had a heart attack. I was a pack a day smoker and had some stress come into my life just before that. I quit smoking cold turkey, however, I gained over 40 lbs and by the next year was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I kept trying over the next several years to try dieting/exercise/natural remedies, yet even with more and more diabetes drugs being added I could not lose weight and my sugar levels kept going up and up. I was put on insulin in 2013 and in the next year gained 80 lbs. I was at the highest weight I had ever been and felt awful. Even walking down the street had me in pain due to my swollen legs/ankles and also in a huge sweat. In doing my own research I had my insulin changed in 2015 so that I no longer had swollen legs/ankles and found that I am likely a 1.5 Type Diabetic. This is usually characterized by having an autoimmune disease before the diabetes and means that you should be considered closer to a Type 1 and put on insulin as soon as diagnosed. Over the last two years it has been a work-in-progress to learn how to manage my food/exercise/insulin levels. Many carb foods increase my sugars, which increases the insulin I need to dose and therefore I gain weight (or at least can't lose). I'm told by my diabetes team that I need to eat more carbs to be healthy. They also say exercise should reduce my sugars but in my case, my sugar levels increase during/after again, I'm fighting with how to control it all. I believe that things happen for a reason. One day I saw Mary and me not being shy, commented to her on how amazing her pipes/arms were. We had a brief conversation and she gave me her card. At that time it just wasn't right for me for some reason to pursue working with her. Then someone I knew started posting on Facebook their journey with Mary and her crew. I followed this and it really intrigued me. I ran into this person and our talk made me more interested, so I got in touch with Mary and started my own journey. In the first class I took I couldn't even get down on the floor, or back up again. Mary had to help me up from our 'ab' work - I just could not get myself up. I don't know if it's from lack of exercise over the years, the diabetes, my meds or just age...but my body just does not work/react as it used to. And yet I knew in that first class that this was for me - it just felt right and I felt amazing after the class and the next day. Over the next few workouts I started to improve and the diet Mary provided was agreeing with me and my blood sugars! I started to lose weight for the first time in two years! And most importantly I LOVED the variety of the workouts and the new friendships I was making with the others in the class. I have never in the past been a 'joiner' - I liked to jog or do weights on my own and push myself. Even though I'm a very social type, I was not really an 'exercise class' type person. I LOVE Mary's (and crew) classes! I'm learning so much about a variety of exercises and how to make my body stronger. Mary and the gang are always right there to correct my form if it's off. I sweat more than I have ever sweat before and that's saying a lot considering I'm a sweating type! And the other people in the class are amazing and a HUGE inspiration! I love watching them push and grow - it motivates me to get to be as strong as them, to get my pipes/back to look like theirs or even to just one day be able to do a burpie (which I still can't I'm also learning how to better handle my diabetes/insulin because of the exercise and food that I'm doing/taking in. What is nice also is that it's always the same people, that everyone knows I'm a diabetic and where my juice is should I go a little wonky....and they watch out for me and ask me if I'm alright when I'm grabbing a wall to not fall I feel that I'm in a 'safe' place, that someone will be there if I need it. I'm a relationship type person so having the same people in the class and forging a continuing relationship is something that my soul really likes. I have just finished my 1st twelve week transformation and am looking forward to continuing this journey until I am where I want to be. I have lost weight, gained strength, feel amazing and look forward always to the next workout. The fact that I have been able to continue to lose weight and not get bored with the diet/exercise is awesome. That shows me that I just need to continue doing what I'm doing and it will be sustainable for life, which is what it should be and what we all need. Thank you to Mary and Alli and to all the instructors and everyone in my class. You likely don't know but each one of you has contributed in some way to my journey and I look forward to more successes for all of us in the coming months. To someone debating about whether to do this....DO IT. You will have great instruction, wonderful support, amazing workouts and make many phenomenal new friends. I would do this again in a fact, I'm going to. 🙂
Congratulations Niki DeGroote on over 20 pounds..💪 I've had Juvenile Diabetes (TYPE 1) for 22 years. Having type 1 diabetes means that something attacked my auto immune system and I no longer produce insulin in my body so I have to take multiple injections a day of this hormone to survive. In addition to insulin injections, eating a balanced diet and exercising is essential to good blood sugar control. But balancing insulin, nutrition and exercise can be extremely difficult and adjustments need to be made continuously throughout the day, especially in regards to exercise. Before being physically active, insulin levels need to be lowered and oftentimes, after a workout, you have to boost your blood sugar with carbohydrates...which can be very challenging when trying to achieve weight loss. Even with all of these factors that seem difficult to overcome, working with Mary Dinner and her awesome staff at Keep N Fit, I've been able to successfully lose 20 lbs in three short months. The transformation program can absolutely be done successfully, even with the meal plan adjustments necessary for type 1 diabetics such as myself. If you have diabetes like I do, don't be discouraged and don't hesitate to contact Mary to discuss the right game plan for you to better your health!
Anyone that signed up for my transformation class for Sept, please add Mary Troyer Dinner. I need to add you to a private Page for your journey.:)
Just a friendly reminder to all of you who have signed up for the Transformation Group starting September 12!! Registration is this Wednesday August 16 at 445pm at KeepNFit - located at 340 Henry St, unit #17 (at the top of the stairs). The full total of $450 is due at registration and we accept cash or cheque!! Looking forward to seeing all the new faces! :)
Dinner .. grilled veggies, brown rice and grilled shrimp .. delicious!