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Keystone Centre

#1 - 1175 18th Street, Brandon, Canada
Recreation Center



Box Office Hours:

Monday - Friday: 10am - 5pm
Saturdays: 10am - 4pm (Wheat Kings Season Only)

Visit us today at and purchase your tickets at The mission of the Keystone Centre is to enhance the lives of Westman residents through providing a safe, family-friendly, multi-functional, full-service facility for use in a wide range of events, meetings, entertainment, agricultural and recreational activities throughout all seasons, accessible to everyone in the community we serve. The Keystone Centre services a trading area of 180,000 people and sees over 1.2 million visitors every year. The Keystone Centre is a significant contributor to the quality of life in Westman and plays a large role in the area of social and economic impact for the community. (A recent study concluded that the Keystone Centre generates more than $62m per year in economic impact through events held in our facility.)
Nowhere else in Canada will you find a community centre with Royal-worthy multi-day agricultural and entertainment fairs, local to international agricultural championships, a full season of home games for the local WHL team, two additional ice rinks that serve upwards of 600 bookings a year for youth, recreational and educational ice sports, an 8-sheet curling rink with regular leagues and tournaments, musical concerts featuring big name artists like Kiss and ZZ Top for upwards of 5000 people, and conventions/trade shows and meetings for businesses and associations from intimate boardroom bookings to thousands for national retreats – all under one, more than half a million square foot, roof.


Our Box Office is OPEN ALL WEEK! If there were a million reasons to come down to the Keystone Centre during the Royal Manitoba Winter Fair, now there’s a million + one. Stop by and pick up a 2019 Tim Hortons Brier package before seeing Hoja, @doodootheinternationalclown, the SuperDogs, or any of the amazing Equestrian events. Regular Box Office hours apply all week. #bdnmb #rmwf @ProvincialExofMB

A look at some of the great shows in the Amphitheatre this week!

We've been having so much fun and it's ONLY TUESDAY! Here's some pictures we've taken today, make sure you tag your friends!

A few shots of the fun we've had on Day 1 of the fair! Much more going on this evening and of course ALL WEEK!

Attention Royal MB Winter Fair goers: Provincial Exhibition of Manitoba

🕰️#TBT: 1995 Curling Championship! 🏆 Gee, how television has advanced. Can you imagine watching Avatar at that resolution? 🐶 Expect lots more curling celebration as we look forward to the 2019 Tim Hortons Brier! #mykeystone #bdnmb #throwbackthursday

Did you Know: you can have acrobats in the Manitoba Room? Pretty cool, huh… #mykeystone #bdnmb


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