The Bradford West Gwillimbury Leisure Centre is a recreation facility that includes a fitness centre, aquatic centre, gymnasium, and two NHL sized rinks. The Bradford West Gwillimbury Leisure Centre opened in 2012. It is a state of the art recreation facility that includes a fitness centre, gymnasium, two NHL sized rinks and an aquatic centre with a lap pool, leisure pool and relaxation pool. The Leisure Centre offers a wide variety of programs, memberships and drop-in opportunities.
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facebook.comWe've added an extra Leisure Swim this Friday for the PA Day from 1:15-3:00pm. Admission Policy applies - visit for details
Toddler Time Date: Monday, May 7-June 11, 2018 Time: 10:00-11:00am Fee: $60.00 Ages: 1-3 years This program has it all! It gives children an opportunity to explore their creative side by introducing crafts. Children learn to sit in a circle and participate in story time, songs, rhymes and games. They also learn to enhance social skills by enjoying free play in the gymnasium. Please note this is a parent participation program. Register online:
Tuesdays & Thursdays 10:00-10:45am Fee: $45.00 You're a mom. You're up early, you're to bed late and all the hours in between are filled with no "me" time. That's why H.I.I.T. (high-intensity interval training) workouts are for you! This high-intensity interval training is short in duration and can be the get in - and get out type of workout perfect for your busy schedule. Register online:
Family Yoga is back this weekend! Sunday, April 22 11:30am-12:15pm BWG Leisure Centre - Fitness Studio Open to ages 4+ years Did we mention it's FREE?!
Girlvana creates a safe space for girls to hang out and delve deeper into yoga, meditation, journalling, art, creativity, self esteem–building and mentorship. Now, more than ever, the world needs you to be you. Find your truest self, embrace it and share it with the world! No previous experience in yoga required. Friday, April 27 from 7:30-9:30pm Ages: 13-18 years $15 +HST per person Register online:
Join Tara tonight from 6:00-6:45pm for Kids Fit N Fun in the gymnasium: Hey kids fit crew 🏃♀️🏃♂️. Warming up tonight with “star crawlers”. A game that divides us into 4 different teams, creating a star like shape. Each team will be in a straight line and stand with their legs apart. Each team member will be given a number. I will then call out a number. Those players that have the number called, will leave the team line and run around the outskirts of the play area and return back to their team, crawl through their team members legs and attempt to capture the prize for that round. Team that collects the most prizes wins 🏆🎉. Our game tonight is called “blaze ball”⚽️⚾️. This game is like soccer/baseball but with a slight twist 😉🙃. 2 teams, hitters and fielders. The fielders will take the field. On the field there will be 3 hula hoops and 5 bases. The fielders will rotate the players in the hula hoops after each batter (so that everyone gets a turn at all positions). The job of the fielder is to catch the ball that the batter kicks and, as quickly as they can, throw the ball to one of the players in the 3 hula hoops. This stops play and creates an “out”. The batters job is to kick the ball and continue to run all 5 bases and make it home, before the fielder gets an “out”. If the batter makes it home before the fielder can make the out, a point is awarded. All batters will bat before the switch or inning is changed. Team with the most points wins 🏆👍.
Fitness Programmer, Enrico is getting married this weekend! To celebrate Helen created a special Wedding WOD (workout of the day) for class last night. Congratulations Enrico and Christina!
We know it doesn't feel like it right now, but SUMMER IS COMING! Registration for Summer Camps is open and spots are filling up - register today to reserve your spot! We offer a variety of camps for children ages 4-16 years. View the Spring/Summer Leisure Guide online at Register online at
The BWG Fitness Centre offers Dryland Training for sport teams! Packages available starting at $50+HST. Training sessions are led by a qualified conditioning coach. Visit for more information.
Marsh Mash, Ontario’s fourth-oldest Marathon Canoe Race, will take place in Bradford West Gwillimbury on Saturday, May 12, 2018. Registration is now open online at Now in its 40th year, Marsh Mash attracts canoeists, kayakers, stand-up paddleboarders and outrigger paddlers from all over the province. The New Canal, which surrounds the Holland Marsh, provides one of the best canoe racing courses in Ontario. More than 15 races are scheduled of varying distances and classes to be suitable for paddlers ages 6 and up, ranging from those with minimal racing experience to very competitive paddlers. For more information please visit
Girlvana: Yoga • Meditation • Journalling A safe space for girls to hang out and delve deeper into yoga, meditation, journalling, art, creativity, self esteem–building and mentorship. Now, more than ever, the world needs you to be you. Find your truest self, embrace it and share it with the world! No previous experience in yoga required. Friday, April 27 from 7:30-9:30pm Ages: 13-18 years $15 +HST per person Register online:
World of Discovery Date: Friday, May 11-June 8, 2018 Time: 10:30-11:30am Fee: $60.00 Ages: 2-4 years This preschool program gives children the opportunity to discover and create. Children will be introduced to the wonderful world of science, geography, art and more. Each day is a fun adventure filled with crafts, stories, and experiments. There is also a time for free play in the gymnasium. This wonderful class demonstrates that learning can be fun. Come and explore today! Please note: this is a parent participation program. Register online: