Provincial Towing Association (Ontario) Inc.
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Just a reminder to all members that Regional Meetings will be held next week. Go to for times and locations.
*ATTENTION MEMBERS* The following is a schedule of our regional meetings to update all members on issues that we all face on a day to day basis. Please plan on attending one of these meetings to ensure you are up to date. Ottawa Regional Meeting – Thursday May 25th, 7:00pm Abrams Towing, 43 Cleopatra Drive, Ottawa. ON Windsor Regional Meeting – Wednesday May 24th, 6:00pm County Towing, 1329 Erie Road South, Harrow, ON Cambridge Regional Meeting – Wednesday May 24, 7:00pm Super 8 Hotel, 650 Hespler Road, Cambridge, ON Toronto Regional Meeting – Wednesday May 24th, 7:00pm Abrams Towing 124 Lepage Court, North York, ON Sudbury Regional Meeting – Thursday May 25th, 7:00pm Gobbo Towing, 5238 Highway 69 South, Sudbury, ON Bracebridge Regional Meeting – Thursday May 25th, 7:00 pm PTAO Office, 65 Keith Road, Bracebridge, ON Meeting Agenda 1.Training 2.CVOR Update 3.Regulation Update 4.End of Life Vehicles Regulations 5.Golf Tournament 6.Tow Show 7.Questions for our members 1.Would you as a member support a Business Convention with multiple professional speakers to present on a variety of subjects such as: 1.Employee management 2.Financial management 3.Insurance costs and claims 4.Registering Liens under the RSLA 5.Using and how to deal with Small Claims Court 6.Collecting Accounts If you have any questions please contact the office or the Board of Director in your area. Thanks
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Register today! We have partnered with Wreckmaster and B&G Towing to bring you rotator training. This heavy duty class is open to all. Call Wreckmaster for details.
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Just a reminder that we have a few spots still available. You don't have to be a member to participate.
Have you checked out our new website yet? Visit for information on the upcoming Annual Golf Tournament.
Keep your eye on the mailbox. 2017 Tow Show flyers have been sent out. Let us know what you think.
Tow truck drivers charged for attending Kitchener crash scene
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Your PTAO is proud to partner with Wreckmaster and B&G Towing to offer a Wreckmaster 2/3 training opportunity to be held on June 10th and 11th in Whitby. Register today!
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Get yours submitted. Light and Heavy Duty categories.
'Mass casualty response' after chemical spill, pile-up closes Highway 401
Heavy Rescue 401