CrossFit Insight in Barrie On, 33 Alliance Blvd, L4M 5K2 CrossFit Insight is located in Barrie's North East end. With top-notch trainers and hands-on owners that care about every person that comes through the doors, it's easy to see why CrossFit Insight is the right place to train.
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I just can't wait to share this girls wicked progress!!! IN ONLY 6 WEEKS!!!
By all means don't take our word for it!! #results #6weekchallenge #betterthanyesterday #crossfitinsight #bestgyminbarrie #bestworkoutinbarrie #thewordisout #fitfamily #itworks
Next time you about to say I can't do it. Stop yourself please! This girl rocks.
Hey gang!!!!! Here's some fun News Asskicker Ink will be joining use this week at "Friday Night Lights" to show off their wicked line of Activewear! Crazy Castro workout and shop local all under one roof this Friday from 6-9. "Designed for real women. Our new line of activewear for women features positive, uplifting messages designed to fit all body types. You'll love the feel of the soft flowy fabrics we use for our shirts and the premium compression fabrics we use for our pocket leggings. Once you try our clothes on, they will quickly become your favourites! Our shirts feature the following sayings: * Actually, I can * I can. I will. End of story. * Strong women lift each other up * It never gets easier, you just get stronger * She believed she could, so she did * My imperfections are perfect * You don’t need to find yourself, create yourself" #asskickerink #crossfitinsight #fridaynightlights #bettertanyesterday #homeofthe6wkchallenge
Pretty awesome for only 4 making it happen. #results #6weekchallenge #crossfitinsight #betterthanyesterday #crossfit #fitfamily #dropitlikeasquat @ CrossFit Insight
I was lucking enough to have Ben and his wife at my first L1 cert back over 7 years ago and have been following him every since.
Words can't express how exited and happy we are for you Kim. So glad you took that first scary step and joined our 6 week Kick Start Challenge. We look forward to helping you crush your 2018 goals! Real Food, Real People and Real Results. #Betterthanyesterday #crossfitinsight #6weekchallenge #crossfit #Fitfamily #Results #Barrie #BestworkoutinBarrie #BestgyminBarrie #Notjustanothergym #2018goals #Letushelpyouloseit
Possible my favorite so far! Yep you can do CrossFit!