Expeditions arcenciel LD lte Raindow expeditions LD ltd
pourvoirie de chasse et peche et hebergement de travailleurs
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facebook.comHAPPY NEW YEAR everybody and i hope it will be the best year of your life. BONNE ANNÉE tout le monde et j'espère que ce sera la plus merveilleuse année de votre vie.
MERRY CHRISTMAS every body and have a nice holidays with yous family and your friends.
JOYEUX NOEL a tout le monde passez de très belles fêtes entourés de vos familles et vos amis
Yesterday,monday, Scott Modden get his first bear congradulation René. Here is a couple pictures.
Yesterday, thursday, two hunter got their bear. David Gonthier the first but no picture, sorry. And the second one is David Letourneaux thats him with his bear. Congradulation to both of you René.
Last night Worthy get his bear. Very nice coat. Congradulation René. Look at the big claws it is impressing.
Yesterday a new group came for this week and Richard get his first bear. Congradulation René
Today friday Jessie got her first bear congradulation. She was verry happy.
Yesterday,tuesday,3 hunters got their bear.Larry Guaraldi,Anna Guaraldi and Hunter Proctor.
Thanks Tom for the nice pictures René.