Camp d'été des cadets - Bagotville - Cadets summer camp
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facebook.comThat's it! Summer is winding down and everyone goes home a little disappointed to have to leave all these friends, new and old, but with lots of great memories and stories to tell. The Centre and this Facebook page will now cease their activities until the summer of 2017. But it's not over! Activities will resume this September in all cadet corps and squadrons. You can continue to follow local and regional cadet activities between now and next summer on the Quebec and Ottawa Valley Cadets Facebook page. Go ahead and "Likes".
2016 - Moments forts de l'été / Best moments
You already miss CTC Bagotville? Here is a summary of the highlights of summer 2016. Good viewing!
2016 - Remerciement personnel adulte / CTC Bagotville Staff thanks
Because it is important to congratulate the efforts of everyone, here are some videos of thanks that we would like to share. And you, to whom would you like to say thank you?
2016 - Remerciement cadets-cadres / Staff Cadets thanks
Because it is important to congratulate the efforts of everyone, here are some videos of thanks that we would like to share. And you, to whom would you like to say thank you?
2016 - Photos de groupe / Group Photos
Tout au long de l'été, nous ajouterons dans cet album les photos des groupes au fur et à mesure qu'elles seront prises. Il vous est possible de télécharger les photos haute résolution, si vous désirez les imprimer, au lien suivant : ******* Throughout the summer, we will add all group pictures to this album as they are taken. It is possible for you to download them in high resolution if you want to print them by following this link :
2016 - Prestation finale Musique Intermédiaire - Finale Prestation Intermediate Band
Several of you were eagerly waiting for: the final performance of Bagotville Intermediate Band.
2016 - Remises finales / Final Awards
Lors de la dernière parade du commandant du 12 août et de la parade finale du 13 août, plusieurs cadets ont été récompensés pour l'excellence de leur travail. Voici les récipiendaires. ******* During the last CO Parade and the Finale Parade (12-13 August), a lot of cadets was rewarded for their excellent work. This is our recipients.
Good afternoon, We would like to inform you that all of the buses are parts of bagotville between 13:30 and 14:00. We're going to give you the progress of the bus as that we will have news so that you can know the moment when your child is back at home. Thank you to follow us!
2016 - Parade finale / Finale Parade
C'est devant parents et amis que les cadets du CEC Bagotville ont paradé une dernière fois. Sous la présidence d'honneur du Colonel honoraire Jim Killin, Colonel honoraire de la 3e Escadre de Bagotville et de la BFC-Bagotville, la parade a permis de souligner les efforts de tous nos cadets. ******* In front of friends and family that cadets of CTC Bagotville paraded one last time. Under the honorary presidency of the Honorary Colonel Jim Killin, Honorary Colonel of 3 Wing Bagotville and CFB Bagotville, the parade has highlighted the efforts of all our cadets.
2016 - Parade du commandant / CO Parade 12-08-16
Lors de la dernière parade du commandant, l'ensemble des cadets du CEC Bagotville ont paradé. Regardez ces beaux sourires! ******* During the last CO Parade, all cadets of CTC Bagotville paraded. Look these beautiful smiles!
Les Nouvelles de Bagot // Bagot News - 5
Our 5th edition of our Bagot News. Good viewing!
2016 - Photos de groupe / Group Photos
Tout au long de l'été, nous ajouterons dans cet album les photos des groupes au fur et à mesure qu'elles seront prises. Il vous est possible de télécharger les photos haute résolution, si vous désirez les imprimer, au lien suivant : ******* Throughout the summer, we will add all group pictures to this album as they are taken. It is possible for you to download them in high resolution if you want to print them by following this link :