Yoga unites mind, body & spirit. Join me Wednesday nights 7-8pm on the mat. No experience necessary just a willingness to play and learn, about you.
Hi my name is Donna.
I am a mother, hairstylist and a RYT200 yoga instructor.
I have taken DevaTree School of Yoga's 200hr Cross-Disciplinary Yoga teacher training as well as a 50hr Restorative & 50hr Psoas Muscle release training.
I'm very passionate about yoga & hope to share that with others!
Continued yoga practice can teach you how to recognize barriers that hold you back in your life, to be present in the moment and to love and honor yourself.
We are life long learners & I am a firm believer in student self-study, you are your own guru!
Everything you need to know is already within, sometimes we need help to find it. Yoga helps me do that.
I look forward to meeting you,
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Namasteॐ Om
Seems fitting for today! Learning all about our chakras in The Subtle Energy Body with DevaTree School of Yoga
HeartRise Yoga for Children
Namasteॐ Om
Louise Hay
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Buddha Groove
My Note from the Universe!
I Practiced Yoga Every Day For 6 Weeks. Here's What I Learned
We're all guilty of this. We say we "don't have time," yet we manage to fit in 45 minutes of Facebook and Instagram scrolling, or three episodes on Netflix. I realized I wasn't making time for yoga in the way I made time for other priorities. No matter how busy my morning is, I will find a way to get my cup of coffee!
Enjoy The Journey
DevaTree School of Yoga
I love these moments!! 😍