Escola Estadual Francisco Inácio Peixoto
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Make Love, not war !!! #fip

Academy for boys at #Cataguases, by @EmiVieira. Currently the State School Francisco Inácio Peixoto, this building was designed in 1943 and completed in 1946, a period when #Niemeyer's office had several commissions. This school, however, was the only one in the state of Minas Gerais, since Juscelino Kubitschek, as his main patron, left as Mayor of Belo Horizonte in 1945 and only became governor in 1951. Having had a pleasant experience with the #architect when he designed his own house, Francisco Peixoto trusted Niemeyer with this further work, after also offering him the chance to design the city hospital, an idea that for some unknown reason did not go ahead. [MACEDO, D. Da Matéria à Invenção. UFMG 2002] O Colégio Cataguases, oficialmente Escola Estadual Francisco Inácio Peixoto, foi projetado em 1943 e concluído em 1946, um período bastante ocupado para o escritório de Niemeyer. Este edifício, no entanto, é o único projeto Mineiro, visto que em 1945 Juscelino Kubitschek,...
![Academy for boys at #Cataguases, by @EmiVieira.
Currently the State School Francisco Inácio Peixoto, this building was designed in 1943 and completed in 1946, a period when #Niemeyer's office had several commissions. This school, however, was the only one in the state of Minas Gerais, since Juscelino Kubitschek, as his main patron, left as Mayor of Belo Horizonte in 1945 and only became governor in 1951.
Having had a pleasant experience with the #architect when he designed his own house, Francisco Peixoto trusted Niemeyer with this further work, after also offering him the chance to design the city hospital, an idea that for some unknown reason did not go ahead. [MACEDO, D. Da Matéria à Invenção. UFMG 2002]
O Colégio Cataguases, oficialmente Escola Estadual Francisco Inácio Peixoto, foi projetado em 1943 e concluído em 1946, um período bastante ocupado para o escritório de Niemeyer. Este edifício, no entanto, é o único projeto Mineiro, visto que em 1945 Juscelino Kubitschek,...](
Se for pra fazer fofoca sem elas, é melhor nem me chamar! Sem elas a fofoca perde a graça!!😂😂... #Melhores😍 #ArraiáDoChico #MuitasFofocas😜 #TeveBom!..🌸😍

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Gosto pouco💩😂😒😘louca...♥

so zueira
