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Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf-Bihać

, Bihac, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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This is the international Facebook page of Atlantis vcap Kulen Vakuf


Bebi Art & Community Center

Prilikom posjete nasem centru gospodin Purgar je u nasoj "In Memoriam" sobi pronasao knjigu iz 1989 godine ciji urednik je bio njegov otac Ivan Purgar. During the visit of Mr. Purgar at our Center, in our In Memoriam Room he found book from 1989 edited by his father Ivan Purgar.

Bebi Art & Community Center

Bebi Art & Community Center

Stolni tenis za odrasle, svakog utorka od 18:00-20:00 sati. Table tennis for elder, every Tuesday from 18:00-20:00 o'clock.

Bebi Art & Community Center

Photos from Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf's post

Zahvaljujemo se Nihadu koji je nastavio sa radom na "Tesla" projektu, pogledajte na fotografija dolje kako je oslikao 2.zid. Thanks to Nihad who has continued with its work on "Tesla" project, see photos below how he painted 2nd wall.

Photos from Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf's post

Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach

Something like that inside Bebi Art & Community Center. Nešto kao ovo unutar Bebi Art & Community Centra.

Die Segel

Works of one of our artist in residence. Rad od jednog od nasih umjetnika u rezidenciji.

Die Segel

Sarajevo Under Siege '92 - '96

Sarajevo Under Siege '92 - '96

Timeline Photos

Don't forget our FULL MOON PARTY tonight. Be on skype at 22:00 and contact me under michael of ritrama. we talk to DJ Lohneberg, whose House Mix is on tonight. Ne zaboraviti nasu zabavu punog mjeseca veceras, budite na skajpu u 22.00 i kontaktirajte me pod imenom michael of ritrama, pricamo sa DJ-em Lohenbergom, ciji house mix pustamo veceras.

Timeline Photos

Photos from Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf's post

Veliko hvala profesoru Irfanu Hosicu na prezentaciji, i svim gostima koji su nam se pridruzili danas, i učestvovali u diskusiji. Special thanks to the professor Irfan Hosic for his presentation, and thanks to all guests who have joined us today and participated in the disscusion.

Photos from Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf's post

Number One Jeans

Again, killing is not allowed. Opet, ubijanje nije dozvoljeno.

Number One Jeans

Photos from Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf's post

Sutra u 13.00 ce profesor Irfan Hosic odrzati javnu prezentaciju, cilj ove prezentacije je da se otvori eventualni dijalog sa lokalnom zajednicom unutar koje djeluje proizvodna i kreativno-umjetnička kompanija Atlantis vcap d.o.o Kulen-vakuf i njen projekat Bebi Art & Community Centar. Svi ste dobrodosli da se pridruzite prezentaciji i posjetite Bebi Centar. Tomorrow ar 13.00 o'clock professor Irfan Hosic will held public presentation, main goal of this presentation is to talk and open up possible dialogue with local community, within which is production and creative-artistic company Atlantis vcap d.o.o Kulen-Vakuf and its project Bebi Art & Community Center. You're all welcome to join the presentation and visit Bebi Center.

Photos from Atlantis vcap doo Kulen Vakuf's post

Timeline Photos

MS production invites om Full Moon Party at Bebi Bar, on 23.03. with DJ Lohneberg and a House mix. It starts at 20:00, and at 22:00 we will talk by skype with the deejay. Everybody is welcome to log in. Majda has the details. MS produkcija poziva na party punog mjeseca u Bebi Baru, 23.3. sa DJ Lohnebergom i House mixom. Party pocinje u 20.00 sati, a u 22.00 cemo pricati na skajp sa DJ-em, svako je dobrodosao, Majda zna detalje.

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Timeline Photos

This is the first wall of Nihad's Tesla-Project. Ovo je prvi zid Nihadovog Tesla projekta.

Timeline Photos
