Beerstorming is your invitation to an evening where you can exchange ideas, opinions and desires on new brewing projects. Beerstorming is not about making the next top-selling beer. Nor even about brewing in its most literal sense. It’s about creativity in brewing. About being a part of an experience. About tastes, memories and stories you can share over a beer. Or two.
Would you like to have a beer? Or two? Or better still: make one yourself?
Beerstorming gives the opportunity to groups to elaborate their own beer recipe under the guidance of a master brewer. You would choose the type of beer you want to make, the color, the alcool percentage, the aromas, the bitterness,...and even the name. During the all experience, an open-bar will be available in order to try the different beer made by other groups. Moreover, tapas and a full meal will be serve during the activity. At the end of the evening, you will fill a growler of the beer that you liked the most and will be invited 3 weeks later to refill it with your own creation.
Each beer created at Beerstorming are upload on our website and facebook page in order for you to comment it and to vote for your favorite one. Each trimester, we will take the 5 beers with the most likes and submit it to a jury that will choose the one that will be mass produced. The group that win will received a case of beer per person.
We are opened from Wednesday to Saturday between 13 and 18 in order to try our beer and visite our brewery.
glass : 2€
0,33cl bottle: 3€
0,50cl bottle: 4€
full growler: 20€
refill: 10€
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JURY: Il est déjà temps d'élire notre 4ème bière!! Et oui! Que voulez vous boire ce printemps ? Nous sélectionnerons le mercredi 15 février à minuit les 5 bières ayant reçu le plus de votes/likes. -> Vous voulez avoir l'honneur de faire partie du jury? Il nous reste quelque place... Envoyez nous un petit message créatif et nous sélectionnerons les plus originaux :D La selection de la bière élue se déroulera le jeudi 16 à 19h dans la brasserie... JURY: Het is nu al tijd voor onze 4de bier!! Ja ja! Wat willen jullie drinken deze lente? We zullen op woensdag 15 february om middernacht de 5 bieren die het meest geliked werden uitpikken. -> Wil je de eer hebben om deel te nemen aan de jury? Er blijven enkele plaatsen over... Stuur ons dan een creatief mailtje en we zullen de beste er uitpikken :D De verkiezing van de beste bier zal op donderdag 16 om 19u in de brouwerij plaatsvinden. JURY: It is already time to elect our 4th beer! What would you like to drink this spring? We are going to select the 5 beers with the most votes/likes on February 15 at midnight. -> Wanna have the honor to be part of the jury? There is still few spot left... Send us a creative/fun message and we will select the best one for the jury :D The election of the best beer will take place on Thursday 16 at 19h at the brewery...
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CONCOURS #4 - CONTEST #4 - WEDSTRIJD #4 Il est bientôt temps de finaliser la première étape du prochain concours! Dépêchez-vous de récolter quelques likes supplémentaires. It's nearly time to finish the first step of the next contest! Hurry up to get a few more likes for your beer. Het is bijna tijd om de eerste stap van de volgende wedstrijd te eindigen! Haast u om nog wat likes voor u bier te verzamelen. DEADLINE: WED 15 FEB at 23h59 !!!
The Beers
BS#0104 - Jeff 50 This beer is mainely spiced by the cardamon and the cloves. The phenolic flavours come out even during the first smell, which reminds the christmas beers. It has a light bitterness and a round caracter with a woody aftertaste due to the infused oak casks. 6% - 28 IBU Like this post to vote for this brew as your favourite. The other brews can be discovered at
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Nous recherchons un brasseur pour poste de chef de production et animateur de soirées brassin didactique. Le ou la candidat(e) devra parler de préférence français, néerlandais et anglais. Nous recherchons une personne avec un bon sens de la communication, un important bagage théorique en matières brassicoles et une capacité de fonctionnement en grande autonomie. Nous offrons un cadre de travail agréable, le dynamisme d’une petite structure et une possibilité de développement importante. Le poste est à pourvoir rapidement. :D We zijn op zoek naar een brouwer voor een functie van productie verantwoordelijke en animator voor brouw-workshops. De kandidaat zou best Frans, Nederlands en Engels kunnen praten. We zoeken iemand met een goede feeling voor communicatie, een hoge theoretische kennis met wat betreft brouwen en een goede vaardigheid voor autonome werkomstandigheden. We offeren een aangename werkomgeving, de dynamiek van een kleine structuur en een grote mogelijkheid voor personele ontwikkeling. De functie zal snel komen te werken. :D We are looking for a new brewer to become head of production and animate our brewing experience. The candidate should preferably speak French, Dutch and English. We are looking for someone with a good sense of communication, an important theoretical background in brewing and a capacity to function with great autonomy. We offer a pleasant working environment, the dynamism of a small structure and the possibility to develop fast. The position is to be taken quickly. :D
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Get your growler full of your favorite Beer! 🍻👌 #beerstormingbxl #ourbreweryisyours #growlers #craftbeer #bxl #saintgilles #newtaste #newbeer #selfservice #filling #nouvellebiere #nouveaugout #bierebruxelloise
Last days of SALES! Grab the opportunity! --> Tomorrow 28/01 we'll be exceptionally open from 2 until 6 p.m. Ce sont les derniers jours des SOLDES! Profitez-en tant qu'il est encore temps! --> Demain nous serons exceptionnellement ouverts de 14 à 18h. Het zijn de laatste dagen van de SOLDEN ! Geniet ervan nu dat het nog kan! --> Morgen zullen we uitzonderlijk openen van 14 tot 18 uur. Cheers!
The Beers
BS#0105 - Nordic Hopster The Nordic vicking on his hoppy throne! But don't fear him, he's light, he's blond and he makes your brain completely mad by his hoppy horns... A session IPA... of quality! It's freshness fits perfectly with the flavours of exotic fruits and citrus. It's definately worth a try! 5% - IBU 25 Like this post to vote for this brew as your favourite. The other brews can be discovered at
The Beers
BS#0103 - Kontakt The tradition of belgian saison... For this beer, it was renewed by adding pink pepper and lime tree for the fruity and fresh caracter. The sweetness of lemon peel was balanced with the fresh brussels hops that were brought by the brewers group. At least, I wouldn't forget to mention that beautiful gold-orange colour... 6% - IBU 22 Like this post to vote for this brew as your favourite. The other brews can be discovered at
The Beers
BS#00102 - Woody This fruity amber ale was made with guava and rooibos. It has a consistent body with the roasted taste of rooibos and a light roundness with a subtile milk chocolate taste. Clean and tasty. 5,9% - IBU 24 Like this post to vote for this brew as your favourite. The other brews can be discovered at
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Filling up some growlers :D #beerstormingbxl #ourbreweryisyours #growler #fillingbeer #craftbeer #craftbeerporn #beerstagram #brasseriebruxelloise #saintgilles #nouvellebiere #creativebrewing #serveyourself #growleristhenewvase
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IMPORTANT - BELANGRIJK - IMPORTANT Il ne reste que quelques places en janvier pour avoir la reduction! Ne tardez pas! Jetez un coup d'oeil à l'agenda --> Er blijft nog maar enkele plaatsen over in januari om van de korting te genieten! Wacht niet meer! Kijk eens naar de agenda --> There are only a few places left in january to get the reduction! Don't wait any longer! Take a look at the schedule -->
The Beers
BS#0101 - Pils & Laure The creamy foam reveals a proeminent flavor of lavender with a very soft bitterness. This blond beer has a round and persistent body due to the craft made honey used after the fermentation. 7,5% - IBU 25 Like this post to vote for this brew as your favourite. The other brews can be discovered at