Roundhouse - sound agency
We amplify your ID with sound, music & voices Wonder what your brand sounds like?
Roundhouse is a sound agency based in Ghent and London. Their mission? To amplify your ID with sound, music and voices. Why? Because a well-thought-out, unique sound strategy triggers the right emotion and adds fundamental value to your way of communicating. Ask the question: what does your audience hear when they listen to you? Roundhouse is curious to find out and will help you give your company the sound it deserves. The goal is to trigger the ears of clients, colleagues and fans with branding that speaks volumes. So that’s why Roundhouse brings you: Sonic Branding.
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facebook.comThank you Cannes, thank you Creative Belgium, de Persgroep Advertising and ADCN. Also: thanks and good luck, Jeroom. #soundslikeRoundhouseDeejays
Cannes I kick it? Get ready for a showdown between the Dutchies and the Belgians at the Cannes Lions Beach Quiz, incl. master of ceremony Jeroom and music by our very own Roundhouse Deejays! Kick-off at 5:30PM, Long Beach. #canneslions
Wij doen ook al eens graag een festivalleke. Dé teaser voor het Filmfestival Oostende met muziek van Wim Opbrouck & Roundhouse 💄
Na 'Bevergem' (De Wereldvrede - Canvas) verzorgde Roundhouse dit jaar de soundtrack voor Bart De Pauw's nieuw geesteskind 'It's Showtime'. In deze humoristische fictiereeks vertelt hij het verhaal van Kenny, een jongeman van 22 die het kost wat het kost wil maken in de showbizz. De reeks van Koeken Troef! is vanaf vandaag te zien op Telenet (later op Eén) en wordt muzikaal verteld door 24 thema’s. CHECK IT OUT:!
Thanks Six Edges for the good-looking friendship! Check out the interview for some news: #soundslikesixedges
Why are The Beatles 'covered' in Orange? Find out our new work here: #soundslikethebeatles
De eerste muziek van "It's showtime" is er ook...
Roundhouse in Knack Weekend!
Vorig weekend werd deze 7" gereleased tijdens Record Store Day, onze Sounds Like Gent op vinyl! Thanks to Stad Gent, N.E.W.S. Records & Poppunt. Tekst en uitleg:
| OFFICE MANAGER - JOB OFFER | At Roundhouse we want to focus even more on recording sounds, voices & music so we are looking for this 1 special person (M/F) who can join 'our band' parttime. Interested? Drop a line or sing a song to for more info.
Ikutaro Kakehashi, founder of Roland and the man who gave us the 101, 303, 808, 909...passed away last Saturday. Rest in beats.