Cow protection and self-sufficiency Our goshala is a small-scale project where we try to show cow husbandry without any cruelty to the animals. At the moment we have 2 cows and two bull calves and we will grow up to a maximum of 12 animals. Our bull calves are trained to pull an ox cart for the tourists and to work on the land and they will be made in to oxen once they're 1 year old. Our animals will be able to live a full and happy life without having to be afraid of being slaughtered once they're no longer useful. They get treated with loads of love and attention. In reciprocation our youngest cow has even started to give milk without having had a calf.
Besides our cows, we are also starting a permaculture garden where we grow vegetables and herbs (both cooking and medicinal). Once our oxen have grown to maturity (3 years) they will be able to plough our land and we will be able to grow grains and other foodstuff for our herd.
We will use our cow dung to generate methane gas for cooking and ultimately our oxen should also be able to grind grains and generate electricity.
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