A creative & service-minded incentive & events agency with 20 years of experience!
Your dreams, our incentives!!!!
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facebook.comIt seems that the great video clip of one of our best realizations in 2016 was not shown into our video track records on our FB page .. a shame as it rocked & for sure an unforgettable memory!
Just back from Paris for a site inspection ... in the snow! Enjoy these wonderfulp pictures of Paris in the snow! #kosmopolitan #parisinthesnow #travel2018
After 6 years, it became time to change our website who's for the moment under construction ... but here a first glimpse of look & feel! #kosmopolitan #architectofyournextmemeories #employerbrnading #salsesmotivationbyeventsandincentives
Just researched for a project on Santorini, Greece & found a remarkable quote of a local restaurant! Our advise: just share those wise words, not? #kosmopolitan #santorini #feggerarestaurant #travel2018
For the 1st time in 40 years the Sahara desert gor snow!!! #snowinsahara #travel2018 #kosmopolitan
Sad news as famous French singer France Gall passed away today from her courageous fight against cancer ... My favorite song from her was Ella, ell l'a ... a homage to the also legendary Ella Fitzgerald! And I would say, France, she has it! #RIPFranceGall
Check following list of most visited cities around the world! #travel #2018 #mostvisitedcities #kosmopolitan
#happy2018 #2018 #kosmopolitan #happynewyear
As the end of the year is near, it's time for some fun ... with these most funny animal pictures! Enjoy ... #kosmopolitan #fun #2018
Cats cats cats #lordnermal #ripndip #catsofinstagram

Mijn allerliefste schatteke #muisje #catsofinstagram #chartreux

Liefde van mijn leven #catsofinstagram #muisje #baby #cute #kziehaarzograag #chartreux

Vandaag 3 jaar geleden heb ik afscheid van jou moeten nemen. #kmisjenogelkedag #loulou #britishshorthair #catsofinstagram

Muisje en Vita #catsofinstagram #cuties #kusje #chartreux

Mijn schatje 😻 #catsofinstagram #grace #cutie

Schatje van patatje 😻 #catsofinstagram #vitavagita #purrfect #3leggedcat

Muisje ligt al klaar om geknuffeld te worden #chartreux #purrfect #catsofinstagram #muisje #cozy #mamakindjetijd

2 jaar geleden werd je van mij afgenomen, ik mis je nog elke dag 💕🌺 #rustzacht #missyou #ragdoll #seallynx #catsofinstagram #lola

Picture by @diedrik_van_hecke 💙 #photography #love #modeling #portret

Mijn engeltje #muisje #catsofinstagram #chartreux #love

Herenigd met mijn kindje hihi #grace #muisje #onelove #catsofinstagram #chartreux

After this week i'm going to drink definitely one of these! #bussgin #buss #rasberry #gin #tonic #blackandwhite #photography #snow #seefeld #work #workhardplayharder #productions

🌸🌸🌸 #grace #muisje #catsofinsragram

Vitavagita! 🐱 #catsofinsragram #vita #lieveke
