Alma Garni Hotel will welcome and accommodate everyone who wants confortable and pleasant stay in Pirot, Serbia. Alma Garni Hotel with open arms will welcome and accommodate everyone who wants confortable and pleasant stay in Pirot.
Brand new building of Hotel, built according to international standards, occupies 1000 m2 first guests arrived in May 2014.
Location of the Hotel was carefully chosen, so that can meet the demands of the business people, who are one of the primary consummation group. The hotel is located in a strategic location, surrounded by business and trade area, near the Free Zone Pirot and Tigar Tyres ( Michelin), across the main train station and the customs office of Pirot. The main bus station is only 600 meters away, and the famous Dairy School, known for its traditional cheese production Pirot , is only 2 minutes walk from the hotel. Connection with downtown is excellent, so You can be easily reach Center of Pirot by car in 5-10 minutes. On Your demand friendly staff of the hotel will provide you with a cab, which will take You to desired destination at best price. Many touristic agencies from this region are interested in bringing their guests to Garni Hotel Alma precisely because it’s Excellent location.Garni Hotel Alma operates on the with bed and breakfast principle. Service category is reflected in comfortable accommodation capacities and staff that is always there for you.
Nine double bed, eight single rooms and six single bed suites are our accommodation capacities. We provided twenty parking spaces for our guests. Parking spaces are under video surveillance. Both, rooms and apartments have a private bathroom, modern brand new inventory , LED TV, mini fridge and telephone. All apartments have a small kitchen equipped with microwave and required kitchen cutlery. Guests can choose between smoking or non smoking room. Breakfast is optional and served according to pre - completed questionnaire. Our menu offers several breakfast dishes in accordance with modern lifestyle. Breakfast is served in the Hotels’ dining room, every day from 6.30 to 8.30 .
Guests can spend their free time in the warmer part of the year in a pleasant green courtyard and for socializing and relaxing at disposal are two lobby bars with coffee machines, seeting sets and a large SAT - TV.
For the safety of your valuables, you can use the safe, placed at the front desk . Satellite TV and wireless internet access is available in all rooms of the Hotel and is free for all guests.
It will be our pleasure to serve You.
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facebook.comПирот, Бабушница, Димитровград - 52 викенда | Pirot, Babušnica, Dimitrovgrad - 52 vikenda
Posetite Pirot i uzivajte u prirodnim bogatstvima ovog dela Srbije, kao i u gastronomskim carolijama. Hotel Alma Vas spremno ocekuje kako bi upotpunili Vasu avanturu. Rezervacije mozete uraditi na broj telefona 010/319313 ili putem mail-a: Stojimo Vam na raspolaganju
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Hvala na ukazanom poverenju!
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Februar je mesec ljubavi! <3 <3 <3 Obradujete svoji voljenu osobu boravkom u prijanoj i toploj atmosferi Hotela Alma, a mi cemo Vas obradovati popustom od 10% , za sve parove koji urade rezervaciju u periodu od 09.02.-19.02.2017. u nasem Hotelu. Budite mastoviti i sirite ljubav! S ljubavlju Hotel Alma
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Iako smo kalendarski zakoracili u Novu 2017. nasa, srpska, pravoslavna Nova godina stize 13./14. januara. Na vama je da dodjete i uzivate u bogatoj ponudi klubova, kafana, restorana a Hotel Alma je tu da vam obezbedi udoban smestaj po specijalnoj ceni. Although we have entered a new calendar 2017. our, Serbian Orthodox New Year arrives on the 13th/14th of january. You only have to come and enjoy, the rich offers of local restaurants and taverns and Alma Hotel is here to provide you with a comfortable accommodation at a special price.
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Hladne DECEMBARSKE dane upotpunite posetom Hotela Alma, gde Vas uvek ocekuje prijatna i topla atmosfera
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U SUSRET DECEMBRU Iskoristite poslednje novembarske dane da uzivate u prirodnoj caroliji Pirota. Mnogo je razloga da posetite Pirot,na vama je da se sami uverite. Zato rezervisite sebi i voljenoj osobi udoban i topao smestaj na vreme u Hotelu Alma a mi vam kao nasim dragim gostima poklanjamo i vaucer koji mozete iskoristiti u poznatoj poslasticarnici u gradu-Rekord.
Photos from Hotel Alma's post
U subotu “Dani caribrodske šušenice” U Dimitrovgradu se prvi put održava gastro-turistička manifestacija “Dani caribrodske šušenice” na kojoj će učestvovati izlagači hrane iz Srbije i Bugarske. Pored predstavljanja lokalnog proizvoda od mesa, organizatori najavljuju i učešće proizvođača sireva i mlečnih prerađevina karakterističnih za prostor jugoistočne Srbije. Vase je samo da dodjete i uzivate u dobrom ukusu tradicionalnog srpskog mesa a mi smo tu da Vam obezbedimo udoban smestaj.
Hotel Alma zeli da ove tmurne novembarske dane ucini vedrijim za vas. Ponovo idemo u najpoznatiju poslasticarnicu u Pirotu - Rekord. Svaki nas gost u periodu od 04. do 06. novembra dobija poklon vaucer za najlepse kolace u gradu uz soljicu dobre kafe.
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Cast nam je i veliko zadovoljstvo sto su i fudbaleri OFK Beograd odabrali da budu nasi gosti i uzivaju u udobnom smestaju i prelepoj basti naseg Hotela! :)
Photos from Hotel Alma's post
Sad je pravo vreme i odlicna prilika da posetite Pirot i uzivate u najlepsem jesenjem dekoru,a pirotski Kej pored Nišave u jednom je od svojih najlepših izdanja ovih dana, posle toga cekace Vas topla soljica caja u hotelskoj sobi Hotela Alma Zato ne propustite priliku da uzivate u prirodnoj caroliji i poslednjim zracima sunca ove godine.
Photos from Hotel Alma's post
Lužnička vurda je mlečni proizvod visokog kvaliteta koji nije ni sir, ni pavlaka, ni kiselo mleko, a mnogi ljudi koji su je probali smatraju da je najkvalitetnija i najukusnija od svih navedenih proizvoda. Na vama je da se u to sami uverite 12.novembra, zato rezervišite sebi udoban i topao smeštaj na vreme u Hotelu Alma 010/ 319-313.
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