Coolsculpting Oostende
Coolsculpting: de Coole manier om zonder snijden definitief vetcellen te elimineren!
Sinds 2013: reeds 4 jaar ervaring en alle applicators beschikbaar in Oostende!
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Research suggests that within three years of finishing a diet, 95 percent of people regain all or more of the weight they've lost. Do you have advice for people looking to be in the 5% that maintain their weight-loss? For sure. A big part is not doing a fad or crash diet. A diet should teach you basic and sustainable healthy eating practices as you do it. If you just come off a diet and go back to “normal,” you’ll just look like you did when you ate “normally” all those years (not great). Another thing is to have a commitment to fitness. Keeping weight off means you will ALWAYS have to keep up with SOME exercise and SOME organized dieting. There’s nowhere in weight loss where you “cure” being overfat… it’s a treatment that is easy to maintain after the weight is lost, but it’s gotta be maintained for good to keep bodyfat at bay.
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