UMA is a new Multibrandboutique in Mechelen, selling a mixture of modern scandinavian, french and local brands. Clothing, bags, sneakers and jewellery.
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It's not all gold that shines... however, in this case it is! #goldenbomber #sternumjewelry #umastorelovers #ikkoopbelgisch
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New in store: magnificent fake fur coat! Instant glamour feeling... direct message for reservations #limited #divacoat #nowinstore #umastorelovers
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Winter will not catch me by surprise :-) Sneakers & furry shoe candy now instore - various colours #babyitscoldoutside #xmasgiftinspiration #umastorelovers
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A good thing about twins is that you always got a spare one if you lose one #1yearoldtwingirls #firsttimeballenbad #thefatonedrowns
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The Greatest! #ripleonardcohen #bestliveconcertever #nostalgia #whataloss
Ex-manager Samsung opent Scandinavische boetiek | HLN Mechelen
Life goes in mysterious ways :-)
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My precious....! #lorevankeer #play #nowinstore #ikkoopbelgisch
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Saturday night Knock Out #1yearoldtwingirls #nosleep #cuties #anotherfulltimejob #excitingtimes
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DIY Advertising. Just so you know we're open...and eager to meet you! Drop by to say hi :-) #multibrandboutique #scandinavianbrands #ikkoopbelgisch #2800love #umastorelovers #onzelievevrouwestraat #mechelen
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Superclassy blouse with peterpan collar in beautiful oxblood red + khaki suede biker jacket ...#winningcombo #readyfortheweekend #soononline #workingonthewebshop
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Preparing for tomorrow's dinner party...! In store this new winter colour is called 'oxblood'; on your plate it's plain homemade tomatosauce #justaddparsley #comehungry #homecooking #oxbloodisthenewblack
UMA's pics (by Francis Berkin)