DIVERSO + (plus) De diverso-designer, Steve Sleurs, heeft reeds 15 jaar ervaring in het ontwerpen, ontwikkelen en bouwen van beursstanden, toonzalen, decors en shop-concepten.
Dankzij zijn achtergrond als produkt-designer heeft hij een uitgebreide bibliotheek van materialen en leveranciers.
Jarenlang was Steve verantwoordelijk voor de produktontwikkeling van diverse collecties in de design-sector.
Nu ontwerpt en ontwikkelt hij exclusief voor Diverso.
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facebook.comReally Nice design from Spain for brussels Seafood. Complicated project..That's why we've build it.
Making a french bistro in milano for my Belgian client..be welcome #extremis #isaloni
Update at VRTmuseum 100jaar radio Radiohuis
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybTkz5947_I WOW, nice job...by us
BELGIUM.Batibouw 2018....Santana Vasco and Artissan ...3 nice projects to be proud of...only thing we forgot...is to take good pictures. As always. So visit the fair and take a look at us in gal 6 7 12
Our swan is travelling all over Europe with us.
January was top...with 15 projects in one month. 3 at Objet...4 at cologne....1 at Milano....2 at Horecava RAI Amsterdam.....3 at ambiente Frankfurt am Main...and some small projects everywhere. We love it and we need urgently some extra people to join our succes and allow us to become belgian best in showroom-exhibition-museum-design&construction
Smal but high end. Job for Kreon. To be admired today in milano. Next year all over europe.
New client from china. Foodmatters in london
RECOR home @ furniture fair BRUSSELS
WAVE CYBER from China/USA Succesfull booth @ AQUA-world AMSTERDAM