European Cartoon Center
8 Cartoon/caricature exhibitions a year | Euro-kartoenale Kruishoutem | archive, expertise center,library | house of the cartoon, home of the cartoonist
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facebook.comVan 14 tot 17 uur kan je in het cartoon centrum genieten van de allerlekkerste pannenkoeken. Hoeveel kan jij er eten? Prijs: 5 Euro Inschrijven is noodzakelijk. Meer info op
Our exhibition ‘Cartoons from Belgium’ is travelling to Buenos Aires next month. This exhibition can only be seen abroad and promotes the work of 10 prize winning Flemish and Brussels cartoonists. Hope we can make some Argentinians happy
The ECC is closed till the 28th of January, in the meanwhile we are busy preparing new exhibitions as this one with cartoons by Seyran Caferli
Verblijf je aan onze Belgische kust tijdens de kerstvakantie? Ga dan eens langs in het gemeentehuis van De Panne want daar is onze rondreizende tentoonstelling van de Euro-kartoenale momenteel te zien. Bekijk de openingsuren hier:
Best Wishes for 2018. Big hug from all of us (Rudy, Jan, Veronique, Saskia, Fernand, Monique, Herman, Filip, Rita, Sebastien, Nicole, Marie, Patrick, Dominique and Paul)
New blog post on our website
As long as you don't eat your mother...
Find the differences...
Our in house cartoonist drawing about his new role