European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL) is an umbrella platform for AFS organisations in Europe. EFIL is a formally independent Federation with its own by-laws consisting of 28 Members (incl. 2 Associate Members and 6 Affiliate Member Organisations), all of them AFS-partners. As a Federation, EFIL’s role is defined by the needs of its Members. It operates in the context of the AFS Strategic Plan and the AFS Vision 2020.
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facebook.comDid you know that this year’s Volunteer Summer Summit gives space to best-practice sharing among volunteers and will raise awareness for the need of organisations like AFS to take action against extremis? On Utøya, an island with a history related to the topic, the topic of civic education against extremism will be explored with challenging workshops and by fostering self-reflection and common values linked to peace, human rights and sustainability. The deadline for first confirmation of offices is tomorrow (16th of March)! If you want to have your application confirmed in the first round, make sure you have done the first step of your application by this time 🌻 #eyfcoe #afs #efilvss #efilvss2018 #efil #afseffect Check out this video!
Efil is celebrating te European year of cultural heritage in the great setting of Bozar in Brussels with @cultureactioneurope @lllplatform @unesco and representatives from the EU Council and European Commission. Where are we 10 years after the European year for Intercultural dialogue?
Happy International Women's day!
AFS International - Internship AFS Intercultural Programs seeks an intern with an educational and/or professional background in planning and organizing international events. The intern will join the Global Engagement & Thought Leadership Department at AFS Intercultural Programs’ New York City office and assist in planning, implementation and follow up of the 2018 AFS Global Conference and other international events organized or supported by AFS. Additionally, the intern will assist day to day operations of the department. 2018 AFS Global Conference: Global Competence: Our Future, Our Responsibility will take place between 26-28 September in Budapest. The inaugural conference will provide the first-of-its-kind opportunity for real alignment and cooperation among all sectors who have a stake in developing global competence, whether in classrooms, lecture halls, study abroad programs, non-formal training environments or beyond. Annual global meetings of AFS Intercultural Programs and Sentio Global Education Network leaders will take place attached to the conference and the AFS Global Events Intern will need to travel to Hungary the last week of September to support these events. AFS International welcome applications from candidates who are extremely organized, bright, motivated, self-directed, interested in intercultural issues and continuous learning, have a strong sense of humor, and meet the below requirements for this internship. If you are interested in this opportunity, contact us and we will share with you the application form.
Currently the Programme directors' meeting of the EFIL network is taking place in Sofia, Bulgaria. On the picture the programme directors watch a video message from Daniel Obst, president of AFS!
The Training and Intercultural Learning Advisory Body or TICLAB had their annual meeting last weekend to discuss the training priorities for the EFIL network in cooperation with AFS International in snowy Brussels ❄
Last weekend our volunteer Александар Тодоровић (AFS Serbia) attended the partners’ meeting in Strasbourg for the European Youth Event 2018 🇪🇺that will be held June 1-2. EFIL is one of 40+ partners’ organisations that will be represented there. There, 22 of our volunteers will have the opportunity to run and attend different workshops and ongoing activities inside the European Parliament and Yo!Fest village. #eye2018
The sun shines today for all the pupils wishing to spend a study period abroad! The European Commission is working on an ambitious proposal for a EU Council recommendation which will support Member states to reach the vision of the European Education Area: as much as possible automatic recognition of study periods abroad! AFS is largely contributing to this process with a study on recognition practices in 25 countries. #recognisestudyabroad #ICL4school #afseffect
EU Institutions and Member states are discussing the future of Erasmus+: with the support of Milan Zver we call for more funding for pupils' mobility through partnerships between schools and non-profit exchange organisations. Why? Have a look at EEE-YFU European School Heads Association Obessu Association for Teacher Education in Europe
Alexandra Singpiel is representing the Lifelong Learning Platform at the meeting of the Working Group on Citizenship contributing to the Education & Training Strategy of the EU. Yesterday she presented EFIL's project on Intercultural learning of pupils and teachers on the panel on how to envision intercultural dialogue in education. Across Europe, teacher training is increasingly recognised as an important tool to bring intercultural learning to classrooms and build a bridge between formal and non-formal education. To know more about the project: #ICL4school
Thanks to the support of many Members of the European Parliament the issue of recognition of study periods abroad is put to the attention of the European Commission and the whole Parliament! Stay tuned to see when the topic will be debated in Plenary!
Join the AFS Global Conference 'Global Competence: Our Future, Our Responsibility', Budapest, 26-28 September. This will be first-of-its-kind opportunity for real alignment and cooperation among all sectors who have a stake in developing global competence! The Call for proposals is out, deadline 12 March! #AFSGC18 #AFSEffect Find out more at: