Cooking insects is our passion. We use only the finest and freshest ingredients to create excellent food that will fill your belly and warm your heart. Aurelie Neirinckx
Hey everyone ! I'm Aurelie Neirinckx, 21 years old and I'm studying Marketing at the Highschool of Odisee in Brussels.
I always wanted to study marketing because the economy, sales, companies is the future for a healthy world. Making people happy by proposing excellent product has always been one of my objectives.
I’ve always been intrigued in eating insects. It’s something I never did but I knew it had a lot of benefits for our body. It is also a perfect alternative for meat so I tried and I was very surprised!
I started with eating the chocolate chirp cookies and my first impression was very positive. You don’t taste the bugs. It’s like you’re eating nuts with chocolate, very tasteful! I’m persuaded eating insects is something more psychological. You don’t eat insects because it’s something you never did before and it’s something you don’t know. This is the reason why our company is the solution because we will help you to accept new things and to eat them.
For our project "Serangga", I'm the website developer, so let's say the content manager. I'm very proud about this project and what we have reached. We worked very hard on it and the results are amazing.
Jabir Zerouali
During my childhood I have always been overweight. At the age of 12 I reached a crucial point where I was on the edge of getting diabetes mellitus and I had a Body mass index(BMI) of 32. Beside that I had knee problems, back problems and dyspnoea(breathing difficulties) during my sleep.
Everything changed when I went to high school and realised that it was enough. I wanted to be able to walk or run without needing to rest every 200 m’s, feel confident about myself and to be able to do things that I couldn’t do before because of this overweight problem. I had to really overhauling my entire lifestyle. Not simple for a boy of 12 and yes It was really difficult but every time a reached a personal goal I was getting more motivated to keep going on and to lose more weight.
In 2 years I had lost over 35 kg and learned that food didn’t had to be unhealthy In order to taste delicious.
In my case I tried new meat, vegetables and other ingredients of which I could never image that I would eat them one day. In 2012 I ate for the first time insects(mealworms) on the advice of Chris van Beersel, a friend and nutritionist because I was always feeling fatigue during the day. I really felt the difference when I started to eat them twice a day.
Thanks to its high level of protein and the amount of amino acids I was feeling less overtired and my body had the fuel that it needed to manage my energy level during the whole day. During the follow years I developed a real passion for healthy food and exercising. Today I try to share this passion and experience with other people and learn them that delicious food doesn’t have to be unhealthy.
Jorik Veyt
As a kid I always wanted to have my own company. This was the reason why I’ve chosen for an economical direction(trade) in high school. After my graduation in 2012, I wanted to do something in the same direction and this is why I chose for Marketing. In the three years I always focused on achieving my dream, namely starting my own company.
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