Chan'Talk biedt BodyTalk sessies ter ondersteuning van uw gezondheid en welzijn en organizeert de BodyTalk workshops in België. Een BodyTalk sessie wordt door velen als zeer rustgevend ervaren zoals een zachte massage,
maar BodyTalk doet zoveel meer dan dat.
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Meer over BrainSpotting in mijn praktijk
Brainspotting proef sessies en de workshops in 2017 op een rijtje
De afgelopen 3 dagen volgde ik de eerste fase van een opleiding in Brainspotting. Brainspotting is een krachtige therapeutische methode die werkt door de onderliggende neurofysiologische bronnen van emotionele en lichamelijke pijn, trauma, dissociatie en andere complexe symptomen te identificeren, te verwerken en uiteindelijk los te laten. Ik zoek een aantal proefkonijntjes die deze methode eens gratis willen uitproberen en mij zo de kans geven om direct aan de slag te gaan (tot en met 17 mei) Meer info over brainspotting vindt u op
Do you switch off your phones and wifi when you go to bed ?
"He who knows the law of vibrations, knows all"- Hermes Trismegistrius BioGeometry is a fascinating new science based on ancient wisdom, a true modern alchemy of form! This 6-day training teaches you how to create harmony and balance in spaces, buildings, personal well-being and all aspects of life by using shapes, colours, movement and so on. BioGeometry has been scientifically proven in various research studies in the fields of architecture, health, agriculture and even in counteracting the negative effects of electromagnetic pollution. BioGeometry was founded by Dr Ibrahim Karim of Cairo, who brought together principles from the once secret temple sciences of ancient Egypt with the radiesthesia studies of the early 20th century and his own ground-breaking findings. Dr Karim discovered the qualities which underlie all balancing processes in Nature, and much of BioGeometry consists in learning to detect these powerful transcendental qualities and learning to create them in all fields of life, for powerful harmonizing effects. Anyone can learn BioGeometry! It appeals not just to those seeking to enhance their awareness and skills for life but also students of the metaphysical, artists, designers, architects, farmers and so on. The Foundation Training consists of three levels. Level 1 deals with the fundamental concepts of BioGeometry that draw on ancient wisdom and energy science, with a modern approach. Level 2 teaches the skills of energy quality measuring and balancing, including techniques of radiesthesia. Level 3 addresses the specialised topics of Design Principles, which can be applied to anything from a logo to a house, and BioSignatures, powerful patterns that can help bring about harmony in one's being, protection and so on. Participants will receive detailed manuals for all three levels, a file with hundreds of BioSignature patterns, special charts including Turenne Rulers and emitter forms, and a pendulum with which one can learn to detect wavelengths, test for affinity of items and so on. Your instructor will be Kris Attard, Europe's first Certified BioGeometry Instructor who has been conducting various trainings for 17 years and in as many countries. Join us for a truly powerful experience! Price - 1150€ Early Bird Price - 990€ EarlyBird ends 28 September, 2017 Monitor (followed Foundation class before) : 560€ all prices INCLUDE 6 x Lunch that must be taken at Koningsteen Limited number of rooms are also available at the venue and can be booked with the class coordinator. 200€ deposit to secure your place. For a more detailed brochure, contact the class coordinator Chantal Remmerie on +32 476 207646 or email
° Wist je, dat je contact kan maken met het onderbewuste van je lichaam en zo de oorzaken van kwalen en ongemakken opsporen om dan vervolgens het zelfhelend mechanisme van je lichaam te stimuleren … ° Wil je ontdekken hoe we dit met het BodyTalk systeem doen? ° Wil je zelf toegang krijgen tot de belangrijkste BodyTalk technieken en verstaan hoe zij samen werken om je gezondheid te ondersteunen? ° Wil je dit toepassen voor jezelf en je naasten? ° En onze praktische snelle hulp leren om altijd bij de hand te hebben? Wanneer & Waar : 8 oktober 2017 (Koningsteen – Kapelle-op-den-Bos) Volle Prijs: €120 Vroegboek korting: €105 betaling tot en met 8 september 2017. Inclusief: Engels handboek, broodjeslunch en koffie pauzes. Speciale prijzen voor deelnemers uit eenzelfde gezin en cursisten die de workshop herhalen. Voor meer informatie Chantal Remmerie 0476/207646
Workshop Access : laatste dag vroegboek korting
BodyTalk Fundamentals with Lesley McIntyre
Everything we do and how well we do it, depends on how we use our mind. Yet we are trained to use mainly the logical function of our brain, and are not taught to use the immensely powerful faculties of the creative and intuitive mind. This means we are using only a small fraction of our mind's potential. It is not only possible, but amazingly easy to expand the intuitive mind, just as mystics and geniuses have done throughout the centuries, topening vast new possibilities for life. The key to unlock this potential is in your hands. It's called MindScape. MindScape is a powerful and enjoyable weekend workshop, that teaches you to use the remarkable hidden faculties of your inner mind. This happens firstly through learning to access a state of mind that opens the flow of creativity and intuition. Then, we build a permament framework for these faculties through visualisation. WHAT CAN MINDSCAPE DO FOR ME? The techniques can enhance all aspects of your life, including: - personal development - gaining a deeper awareness of your self and your potential - enhancing your creativity - expanding your intuition - learning to relax and de-stress body and mind - using the power of the subconscious mind to manifest success - learning mental scanning skills as used by medical intuitives, with powerful applications for therapists - practicing mental training for mind over body, including healing and sports excellence In short, MindScape can open vast possibilities in every part of your life. The best news of all is that the techniques are easy to do, yet highly effective. You will leave this workshop with the possibility of mental abilities you never dreamed you could have. WHO CAN ATTEND? MindScape can be done by anyone, as no previous training or experience is required. A detailed manual is supplied. MORE INFO & REGISTRATION thaught by : Kris Attard Coordinator : Chantal Remmerie More info : Price : 550€ - early bird 450€ (payment before May 31,2017) online registration : See Ticket-URL
° Wist je, dat je contact kan maken met het onderbewuste van je lichaam en zo de oorzaken van kwalen en ongemakken opsporen om dan vervolgens het zelfhelend mechanisme van je lichaam te stimuleren … ° Wil je ontdekken hoe we dit met het BodyTalk systeem doen? ° Wil je zelf toegang krijgen tot de belangrijkste BodyTalk technieken en verstaan hoe zij samen werken om je gezondheid te ondersteunen? ° Wil je dit toepassen voor jezelf en je naasten? ° En onze praktische snelle hulp leren om altijd bij de hand te hebben? Wanneer & Waar : 19 maart 2017 (Koningsteen – Kapelle-op-den-Bos) Volle Prijs: €120 Vroegboek korting: €105 betaling tot en met 28 februari 2017. Inclusief: Engels handboek, broodjeslunch en koffie pauzes. Speciale prijzen voor deelnemers uit eenzelfde gezin en cursisten die de workshop herhalen. Voor meer informatie Chantal Remmerie 0476/207646