contemporary art gallery based in Antwerp. First opening on 30.01.2014. trampoline is an attempt to present various artistic practices in their differences and singularities. People are welcome to bounce on trampoline for various reasons (recreational, financial or competitive).
Artists supporting trampoline: Jakup Auce, Vaast Colson, Simon Davenport, Stefaan Dheedene, Vincent Geyskens, Gerard Herman, Johanna Kristbjorg Sigurdardottir, Sine Van Menxel, Leen Voet
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RECENT FACEBOOK POSTS'Casa de monos', Dodi Espinosa's first solo exhibition at trampoline, Antwerp. On view until 17.03.2018 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoon (and by appointment!)
'Moving The Mustache', solo exhibition by Vincent Geyskens at Intemporal. On view until 24.03.2018 on Friday and Saturday from 2.00 to 5.30 pm. Welcome!
This Saturday 24.02.2018 from 2 to 6 p.m., in an old garage to be destroyed after the exhibition... 'Moving the Mustache', solo exhibition by Vincent Geyskens! Rudolfstraat 21, 2018 Antwerp...
Vincent Geyskens' solo exhibition in a new Intemporal off space (Rudolfstraat 21, Antwerp). Welcome!
Many thanks to Jorik Amit Galama for his article on Tubelight about Tramaine de Senna's event at trampoline during the /’haɪə en (nʊ)/ exhibition!
If you want to discover Vincent Geyskens' animation movie realized in collaboration with Jan Op de Beeck (between many other artworks and artist books...)!
Last two days of wwhat*'s project at M HKA, Antwerp (INBOX, 5th floor of the museum): don't miss your own photoshoot with clothes by famous and unknown fashion designers as well as the final parade in the streets of Antwerp. Complete program on:
Deel 2 van de review over het project /’haɪə en (nʊ)/. Bedankt Tubelight en Axel De Marteau.
Ever dreamed of a photoshoot with clothes by Bernhard Willhelm and other fashion designers? Don't miss the voorforvaast fan club's action-exhibition at M HKA in Antwerp (until the 4th of February on the 5th floor of the museum)!
Tuesday evening on the occasion of the presentation of Ken Verhoeven's 'Toxic friendship' painting and his edition 'You'll turn on me eventually' (10 copies)!
Last event of the /’haɪə en (nʊ)/ exhibition. Peter Lemmens & Kris Van Dessel: 2.00 p.m. - RESET GHOSTWRITERS - edition + 6.00 p.m. - RESET GHOSTRIDERS - event Welcome!
Men bedriegt u #antwerp #art #gallery #contemporaryart #installation #interior #red

#trampolinegallery #dodiespinosa #modernsculpture #contemporarysculpture #masterpiece



Lapin Metro & Limo Napret #gerardherman #trampoline #trampolinegallery #anagram


Met Mazout van Stefaan Dheedene #menbedriegtu

A few hours later, clay everywhere. By @manonvandeneeden. #manonvandeneeden #clay #art #artist #trampolinegallery #gallery #vlaamsekaai #antwerpen #antwerp #inspiration #minimal #minimalism #weekend #instagood #interior #interior123 #interior4all #design

@manonvandeneeden in action, converting 500kg of clay in a sculpture every 10 seconds. #manonvandeneeden #clay #art #artist #artgallery #trampolinegallery #vlaamsekaai #antwerpen #antwerp #inspiration #minimal #mininalism #weekend

a hair of the dog that bit me

#fiacielen #trampolinegallery

Fia Cielen 🔥#sculpture #installationart #contemporaryart #contemporarysculpture #fiacielen @studiofiacielen yeahhhhh ⚡️🌟

Last day tomorrow to visit #ithinktheresverylittlelikelihoodthatoystersmusselsandclamshaveanyconsciousnesssoitsdefendabletoeatthem by Simon Wald-Lasowski at @trampolinegallery with a cocktail finissage starting at 4pm #antwerpart #art #antwerp #trampoline #trampolinegallery #simonwaldlasowski #monkey

#SimonWaldLasowski @trampolinegallery. #trampolinegallery #Artblog #Artopenings #Gallery #Galleries #Artnews #Artblogs #Arte #Arts #Artist #artefuse #Artists #Artwork #Visualart #artefuse #artcollector #collector #nyart #instaart #contemporaryart #contemporary #instacool #artoftgeday #artofvisual
