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Lauder Business School

Hofzeile 18–20 Vienna, Vienna, Austria



Providing a state-of-the-art business education geared toward international business careers; and a commitment to fostering a Jewish campus environment. Dear Students and Alumni, please stay in touch and contact us under the official and exclusive Alumni Network -

Re-connect – Find and reminisce with classmates, see what they have been up to and stay in touch.

Expand – Leverage your professional network to get introduced to people you should know.

Get ahead – Advance your career through inside connections working in top companies and access to exclusive Job/Internship opportunities.


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Lauder Business School featured in the new FALTER. Stadtzeitung. issue! Page 45, check it out!

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The best cities for expats 2017

Lauder Business School in Vienna Many expats appreciate locations where it’s an easy adjustment, especially if they have families. Good healthcare, education and transport, with low crime and lots of cultural opportunities. Vienna once again in 2017 dominates the top of the list with excellent infrastructure, high level of healthcare, low crime and rich history.

Dr Christian Reiner gives a lecture on the European Economy at the University of Salzburg - Lauder Business School

Dr Christian Reiner, senior researcher at the Lauder Business School, gives a series of lectures on the topic of “Macroeconomic imbalances in the Eurozone: Causes, effects and possible solutions” at the University of Salzburg. For more information please enter to the link below:

LBS Alumni

!!! New exclusive positions at IST Austria, EuroDev, Bank Austria, Henkel, Man and many more !!! For full access to our JOB BOARD, please register with your LinkedIn or FB account on the LBS Alumni site.

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LBS team at the Straßenfest am 21. Mai - Festival der Jüdischen Kultur 2017!!! We had a great time, thanks for stopping by, and see you soon!

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Our BA and MA students had the opportunity to participate in a Job Application Workshop organized by the LBS faculty and the LBS Career Center! During the workshop students discussed various job application topics such as interviewing, application do’s and don’ts, the application process, assessment center, appropriate behavior, dress code, social media recruiting, etc. More on our website!

2017: Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel - Lauder Business School

LBS lecturer Mag. Slomovits visited Ben Gurion University of the Negev as part of the Erasmus+ staff mobility program! Follow the link to find out more.

„Every bank needs hunters and farmers“ - Lauder Business School

Mag. Anna Katharina Marx, EFA® from Raiffeisen Private Banking discussing the qualities of private bankers with the BFC16 class. Follow the story on our website!

IML Students “Going Global” with TOPSIM® - Lauder Business School

"Learning Business by Doing Business" in the IML classroom IML students “Going Global” with TOPSIM flight simulator for managers! Follow the story on our website...

Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation CeRRI, Berlin, Germany, part 2 - Lauder Business School

Another successful Erasmus + staff mobility! Prof. Robert Braun participated in workshop at the Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation in Berlin in order to contribute to the development of quadruple helix research and innovation models. More on the LBS website.

IÉSEG School of Management visiting LBS - Lauder Business School

IÉSEG School of Management, one of the leading business schools in France, visited Lauder Business School with the aim to exchange daily practice and processes. LBS is always delighted to exchange experience with other organizations, since we believe that this mutually improves ways of working, organizing, managing and identifying the trends of the future!

BFC15: TODAY WE ARE MANAGING A BANK! - Lauder Business School

Two exciting days of business simulation in the BFC15 class! Simulating real-life scenarios, BFC students were running their own banks, competing against each other and making decisions while managing time constraints!


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