PIGEON SPORT Timing BENZING is the brand rich in tradition in recording times in pigeon sport and offers a state-of-the-art technological standard thanks to Gantner know-how. We supply breeders and clubs electronic registration systems, loft antennas and chip-rings on the basis of non-contact identification technology.
BENZING ist die tradionsreichste Marke in der Zeitmessung für den Taubensport und besitzt durch das Gantner-Know-how höchsten technologischen Standard. Wir bieten für Züchter und Vereine elektronische Erfassungssysteme, Schlagantennen und Chipringe auf Basis berührungsloser Identifikationstechnologie.
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BENZING @ Derby Rias Baixas Spain We are happy to announce a new BENZING One Loft Race in Spain. Our close friend Guillermo Barrallo Fernández, (Member of the Veterinary Commission of the FCI, and BENZING Expert), created his own One Loft Race in Spain together with Roberto Cores Ulloa. The loft is ready and they start to receive the pigeons. For more information please take a look at their website:
BENZING LIVE @ Team Ungureanu Romania - The future is today! Two very young and motiviated fanciers from Romania powered with the latest technology from BENZING. With BENZING Live you can reach the young generation of pigeon racers. We wish you all the best and a lot of success! ===== BENZING Live in crescatoria Team Ungureanu! Mihai este fiul lui Emil Ungureanu si impreuna cu verisoara lui formeaza tandemul Team Ungureanu. Va dorim mult succes!
BENZING @ Balkanic Golden Race Romania We welcome Mr. Bibi Stefanescu and his team in our BENZING Community and we are very happy to have another One Loft Race using the BENZING Solution in 2018. More information can be found here:
We wish you all a peaceful and happy Easter Weekend!
BENZING @ Beijing Huaxiang International Racing Pigeon Loft Number 45 for BENZING only here in China. We are happy and proud to count this beautiful loft to our community. #benzingrules #benzing1863
BENZING @ TS Řečany nad Labem One Loft Race in Czech Republic We welcome Mr. Marek Hnilička to our One Loft Race Community and we are happy to have the first BENZING OLR in your Country powered by BENZING. More information: or
Atlantic Pigeon Race - Gran Canaria powered by BENZING Watch the result of the 1st Hotspot
Award for Gantner Solutions !! Every two years, the Austrian Federal Fire Brigade Association selects companies which in recent years have become "fire-fighter-friendly employers" through their exemplary behavior towards their employees, who are volunteers at the fire service. Picture: Franz Fink/LFV Stmk
RPRA ONE LOFT RACE powered by BENZING A new partnership with the Royal Pigeon Racing Association. First step: Change the One Loft Race System
BENZING Sweden We are very proud to announce our new partnership with the Swedish Racing Pigeon Federation (Svenska Brevduveförbundet). The board members decided to make a big step forward in technology by using BENZING Live with Realtime Results and after the first feedbacks from the fanciers in Sweden we are also confirmed that this change and renewal was needed and requested. Additional to the exchange of the old systems, Sweden will be working with our Classification Software to service their fanciers with results at it´s best. We would like to thank the Board and as well the fanciers for their big trust, the hospitality during the 100 year Anniversary of the Federation, the beautiful friendship and as well thanks to our technicians Alex and Dusan who already trained the responsible persons a few days ago. More reports will follow soon. Details:
Winner of Million Dollar Pigeon Race