World Bodypainting Festival
World Bodypainting Festival, 1-3 July 2016 Pörtschach, AUSTRIA // The fusion of bodies & beats - 3 Days, 60 Bands & DJ's, Side events from 27 June Since 1998, the world’s most colourful event has taken place every year in Austria.
With the “World Bodypainting Festival” we founded the modern bodypainting art movement. The biggest art event in this field and tens of thousands of visitors admire the wonderful work of the participants.
In the 18th year we welcome artists from over 40 nations worldwide to this unique event and put body art into the mountain and lake scenery surrounded by music and shows.
The town Pörtschach, the most impressive location in the state surrounded by turquoise water, is the perfect backdrop for the art form. The very compact town locates all programs within just a few hundred meters.
The World Bodypainting Festival (short WBF) developes further every year and adds new aspects and faces.
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facebook.comThe World Bodypainting Festival's Installation Art Award
The WBF Installation ART Award 2016 has only 3 more places to offer. Check out the wonderful video from the winner last year. And by the way, the WBF Installation ART Award is a WORLD Award Category from this year !
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Aus dem schönen österreichischen Ebenthal, nahe Klagenfurt, kommt großer Pop-Rock! STEFAN THALER + Band spielen live am Bodies & Beats, the WBF2016 // There comes great pop-rock from the beautiful austrian village Ebenthal, next to Klagefurt. #StefanThaler + Band are playing live at the #WBF2016 Tickets & Infos: Video:
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Lass deiner Kreativität freien Lauf - Nimm Teil am ATRIO Kunstwettbewerb. Noch bis zum 7. Mai kannst du deine Ideen zum Thema "Senza Confini" einreichen. Und mit etwas Glück wird dein Entwurf am 30. Juni LIVE von hochkarätige Bodypainting Künstler in ein lebendiges Riesen -Bodypaint-Gemälde verwandelt. Entwürfe an oder per Post. Teilnahmeberechtigt sind alle ab 10 Jahren. Es winken auch noch tolle Preise! #wbf2016 #Bodypainting #atrio Check out the big drawing contest in cooperation with our partner ATRIO! For more details
Trailer 2016, the World Bodypainting Festival
Turn up the Volume !! for our #WBF Trailer 2016 - Step into the surreal, the World Bodypainting Festival 27 June - 3 July, Wörthersee / AUSTRIA ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ Dreh die Musik auf !!! Hier unser Trailer 2016, einfach Klasse gemacht von Georg-Reinhold Linko vom Red Bull Media House.
World Bodypainting Festival
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Fabio Marziali ist eines der vielversprechendsten Talente der italienischen Jazz-Szene und er kommt live aufs Bodies & Beats, the WBF2016. // #FabioMarzali is a promising talent in the Italian jazz scene and will play live at the #WBF2016. Tickets & Infos: Video: Soundcloud:
Body Circus - the surreal ball within the World Bodypainting F...
Body Circus - the surreal ball 2016 presented by Diamond FX - don't miss out on the best party of the country. Tickets: Bemalte Körper, Feuerspucker, Burlesk Tänzer, Freaks und dazu Club Sounds vom aller feinsten - Hereinspaziert ins zauberhafte Wunderland! Ein WB Production event am World Bodypainting Festival
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Man lebt zweimal: das erste Mal in der Wirklichkeit, das zweite Mal in der Erinnerung (Honore de Balzac) Hartmut Mang, ein Freund und langjähriger Fotograf am World Bodypainting Festival ist von uns gegangen. Wir durften ihn als stets offenen und respektvollen Menschen kennen lernen. Er wird uns immer in Erinnerung bleiben und für immer in seinen Bildern weiterleben. -------------------------- „Everybody lives twice: Once in reality and once in the memory“ Hartmut Mang, a regular photographer at the World Bodypainting Festival for years and part of the bodypainting family passed away. With his great images he captured he will live on forever. Rest in peace dear friend, we will miss you a lot.
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We are very happy to welcome Alesya Plastinkina from Russia for the first time at the World Bodypainting Festival . The Special Award: Creative Make-up & WBF Make-up Battle is almost full. Fill up your registration form soon if you want to compete in the creative makeup categories .
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KINGS CROWN SOUND bringt uns feinste Reggae-Vibes aufs Bodies & Beats, the WBF2016. Wir freuen uns schon drauf! // #KINGSCROWNSOUND brings best reggae vibes to the #WBF2016. We are looking forward to this! Tickets & Infos: Soundcloud:
Installation Art Award at the World Bodypainting Festival
British Artist Emma Cammack was awarded last year with the WBF Installation Art Award. Here a beautiful review and if YOU think you have a project to realize at the upcoming #WBF, feel free to send us your idea!
Awesome Creative Make-up Workshop at the #WBF
We have a fantastic Creative Make-up Program this year! Do yourself a favour and join our remarkable World Bodypainting Academy workshops! Wir haben heuer ein großartiges Programm zum Thema „Creative Make-up“. Bereitet euch mit einem Kurs aus unserem World Bodypainting Academy Angebot perfekt für die Wettbewerbe vor.