BAR - DISCO Stadtkeller - FEEL THE NIGHT!Täglich für Sie ab 21 Uhr geöffnet!
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facebook.comHEUTE SAMSTAG 24.02.2018 ab 21 Uhr ⭐Stadtkeller Lienz⭐
SAMSTAG 24.02.2018 ab 21 Uhr ⭐Stadtkeller Lienz⭐
SAMSTAG 24.02.2018 ab 21 Uhr ⭐Stadtkeller Lienz⭐
Im Jänner laden wir duplate champion Bukkha ein nach Lienz um das neue Jahr mit einer ordentlichen Portion Bass, Dub, Steppers, Jungle und DnB zu beginnen. Ebenfalls zu gast sind die alpine blazing stars Dubbing Sun aus Kärnten und unsere freunde von Rude Boyz Movement aus Innsbruck. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ☆BUKKHA: (Spain) (Moonshine Recordings) (Dub-Stuy Records) (Zam Zam Sounds) Having started dub programming back in ‘07, Bukkhas dedication to music goes both way back and beyond in time. In his first year of producing, the young musician earned a stripe by the signing of his inaugural 12” release on the acclaimed Dubbed Out, which was blessed by a Radikal Guru remix on the flip. After this positive vibration, Bukkha has been handed the enlightening opportunity to remix the respected producers Roommate, Radikal Guru, Tuff & Powa, Danny Scrilla and Jojo Mac to name a few. Through this, he has tightly represented the Gulf Coast dub / bass scene until 2015 – and now started a new chapter by residing in the sun of Spain. Continuing with an ever-growing list of consistent releases on Moonshine, Dubs Alive, Airtight and King Dubbist, the American producer is gearing up for another bright year in dub. With forthcoming bits and pieces on Moonshine and Dub- Stuy, including collaborations with Madplate Sound, Junior Dread, DTR & Blind Prophet, Bukkha is ready to take his interpretation of dub across the Seven Seas! ▬▬▬ Support by: ▬▬▬ ☆ Dubbing Sun: (Lion Charge) (Albion Collectiv) (Green King cuts) ▬▬▬ ☆ Rude Boyz Movement (IBK) ☆ Brotha Hifi ☆ Phill SM b2b Na5tix ☆ Concepta b2b JDiz ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ HARDFACTS: ▬ Eintritt: 7€ ▬ Sa 21.01.2018 // 10 PM - 6 AM ▬ ▬ Stadtkeller▬
⭐MORGEN STADTKELLER LIENZ AB 21 UHR⭐ Wir freuen uns auf euch!
⭐Heute ab 22 Uhr im Stadtkeller⭐ Wir freuen uns auf euch
Morgen @ Stadtkeller Lienz
🌟MITTWOCH 25.10.2017 ab 22 UHR🌟 Stadtkeller Lienz
🌟MITTWOCH 25.10.2017 ab 22 UHR🌟 Stadtkeller Lienz
Hai ragione!

Arrived at the local Disco. #lienz #osttirol #fm4tribevibes #tour #disco

●In discoteca ci vado in ciabatte Perche non ho i soldi per un paio di scarpe●

B biatch

