Saints Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church - Adelaide
Rev. Fr. Zenon Racki - Parish Priest
Rev. Fr. Professor Paul Babie Ukrainian Eastern Rite Catholic Church.
Divine Liturgy Sunday 0930
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09.01.2017 - Saint Stephen’s Day. God’s Blessing and Best Wishes to all named Stephen (Stefan) and Stefania. Stephen is traditionally venerated as the first martyr of Christianity. The Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox Churches, and the Church of the East venerate Stephen as a saint. Stephen's name is derived from the Greek language Stephanos, meaning "crown". Traditionally, Stephen is invested with a crown of martyrdom; Eastern Christian iconography shows him as a young, beardless man with a tonsure, wearing a deacon's vestments, and often holding a miniature church building or a censer. СВЯТИЙ СТЕФАН — АПОСТОЛ, ПЕРВОМУЧЕНИК І АРХІДИЯКОН За Юліанським календарем, пам’ять першомученика Степана вшановують на третій день після Різдва — 9 січня. Східна Церква, прославляючи святого Стефана у своїх Богослужіннях, дає йому потрійний титул, називаючи його апостолом, первомучеником і архідияконом. Діяння апостольські кажуть про нього, що він був "муж, повний віри і Святого Духа... повний благодаті й сили, творив чуда й великі знаки в народі".
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08.01.2017 - Собор Пресвятої Богородиці. Другий день після Різдва Христового церква святкує Собор Пресвятої Богородиці і святого Йосифа обручника, та вшановує Пресвяту Родину, осіб, котрі були найближче зв’язані з Ісусом Христом на землі.
Церква Різдва Пресвятої Богородиці, Львів-Сихів (УГКЦ)
Ukrainian Christmas Carols in Lviv.
Photos from Saints Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church - Adelaide's post
РІЗДВО ХРИСТОВЕ - 07.01.2017 Ukrainian Christmas Day - Divine Liturgy
Коляда - Різдво 07.01.2017
ХРИСТОС РАЖДАЄТЬСЯ - СЛАВІМ ЙОГО Отець Зенон Рацький з родиною, та Парафіядьна Рада Святих Володимира і Ольги УГКЦ в Аделаїді - Австралія, бажають ВСІМ ВАМ Веселих Свят і Божого Благословення у Новому 2017-ому Році. CHRIST IS BORN - LET US PRAISE HIM Merry Christmas and may God's Blessings be upon you in 2017, Fr. Zenon Racki and Saints Volodymyr and Olha Parish Council. 07.01.2017 #Коляда #ХристосРаждається
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Saturday 7 January 2017 RIZDVO KHRYSTOVE The Nativity of Christ - Ukrainian Christmas Day. Divine Liturgy at 10.00 am THE CHURCH IS AIRCONDITIONED Ukrainian Christmas in Australia +40 degrees Celsius.
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6 January Sviat Vechir - Свят Вечір WISHING EVERYONE A HOLY CHRISTMAS EVE... Ukrainian Christmas festivities start on Christmas Eve, which is celebrated on 6 January, following the Julian calendar. and end on 19 January, the date of "Jordan" or Theophany The Christmas Eve Supper or Sviata Vecheria (Holy Supper) brings the family together to partake in special foods and begin the holiday with many customs and traditions, which reach back to antiquity. The rituals of the Christmas Eve are dedicated to God, to the welfare of the family, and to the remembrance of the ancestors. With the appearance of the first star which is believed to be the Star of Bethlehem, the family gathers to begin supper. After the prayer, the head of the household offers each member of the family a piece of blessed bread dipped in honey, and extends his best wishes to everyone with the greeting Khrystos Razhdaietsia (Christ is born), and the family sits down to a twelve-course meatless Christmas Eve Supper. The first course is always kutia (sweet grain pudding) which is traditionally served at the Ukrainian Christmas dinner table. Then comes borshch (beet soup) with vushka (boiled dumplings filled with chopped mushrooms and onions). This is followed by a variety of fish - baked, broiled, fried, cold in aspic, fish balls, marinated herring and so on. Then come varenyky (boiled dumplings filled with cabbage, potatoes, buckwheat grains, or prunes. There are also holubtsi (stuffed cabbage), and the supper ends with uzvar. Згідно з давньою українською народною традицією Свята Вечеря в день перед Різдвом збирає за столом усю велику родину. У цей день наші прадіди нічого не їли аж до самого вечора. І лише з першою зорею на небі, яка, за біблійними переказами, несе благу звістку про народження спасителя – Ісуса Христа, українці розпочинали святкову трапезу. Хоча всі страви, які до свята готують господині - пісні, називається вона багатою вечерею, бо стіл у цей вечір багатий 12-тьма стравами. Традиційно на Святу Вечерю стіл прикрашали: Кутя, Борщ, Грибова юшка, Вареники, Голубці, Риба, Маринований оселедець, Мариновані гриби, Капуста, Квасоля, Узвар, Пампушки. #SviatVechir #UkrainianChristmasEve
Good News about Ukraine
Centenary of the Beautiful "Shchedrivka" please listen...... Origins of "Carol of the Bells" - 100 years old...... "Shchedryk" (from Ukrainian: Щедрий вечiр, "Bountiful Evening") is a Ukrainian shchedrivka, or New Year's carol, known in English as "The Little Swallow". It was arranged by composer and teacher Mykola Leontovych in 1916, and tells a story of a swallow flying into a household to sing of wealth that will come with the following spring. "Shchedryk" was originally sung on the night of January 13, New Year's Eve in the Julian Calendar (December 31 Old Style), which is Shchedry Vechir. Early performances of the piece were made by students at Kyiv University. "Shchedryk" was later adapted as an English Christmas carol, "Carol of the Bells", by Peter J. Wilhousky following a performance of the original song by Alexander Koshetz's Ukrainian National Chorus at Carnegie Hall on October 5, 1921. Wilhousky copyrighted and published his new lyrics (which were not based on the Ukrainian lyrics) in 1936, and the song became popular in the United States, where it became strongly associated with Christmas.
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MERRY CHRISTMAS To all of our parishioners who today, with their extended families, are celebrating the Nativity of Christ. For Ukrainians it's only 12 days to Sviat Vechir (Christmes Eve Supper) and 13 days to Rizdvo (Christmas) 25 December by the Eastern Church's Julian Calendar falls on 7 January by the now universal Gregorian Calendar.
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DECEMBER 22 – FEAST OF THE CONCEPTION OF ST. ANNA 22 ГРУДНЯ – ЗАЧАТТЯ СВЯТОЇ АННИ. Anna was born in Bethlehem and married Joachim of Nazareth, both descendants of King David. They were a rich and pious couple, however, they were childless. When Joachim came to offer sacrifice in the temple, he was refused under the pretext that men without offspring were unworthy to be admitted. Joachim bowed down with grief and did not return home, but went into the desert to fast and pray for forty days and forty nights. Also, Anna, having learned the reason of the prolonged absence of her husband, cried to the Lord to take away from her the curse of sterility, promising to dedicate her child to the service of God. Their prayers were heard and an angel came to Anna and said: "Anna, Anna, the Lord has heard your prayer: You shall conceive and give birth and the fruit of your womb shall be blessed by all the world”. The angel made the same promise to Joachim, who returned to his wife. Anna conceived and gave birth to a daughter whom they called Mary. Свята Анна, мати Пресвятої Богородиці, була молодшою дочкою священика Маттанів із Віфлеєму, що походив із коліна Левіна. Вона вийшла заміж за святого Йоакима, який був родом з Галлії. Довго свята Анна була безплідна, але після 20 років, по гарячих молитвам святих подружжя, Ангел Господній сповістив їм про Зачаття Дочки, Яку благословить весь рід людський. Зачаття святої Анни відбулося в Єрусалимі, де і народилася Пресвята Діва, названа Марією.
Photos from Saints Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church - Adelaide's post
Sunday 18 December 2016. Saint Nicholas visits our Church with Gifts for Good Children and is invited for Lunch. #Saint Nicholas #Святий Миколая
Unofficial: Pope Francis
Pope Francis celebrates 80 years Папа Франциск справляє 80 років
