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Jackie Biceski - Arbonne Independent Consultant

Level 1, 1 Burelli St, Wollongong, Australia



Welcome to the World of Arbonne – Truly the BEST products that every women DESERVES to try and an incredibly smart way to earn a living! My name is Jackie Biceski, Independent Consultant, based in the Illawarra area (Australia) - I appreciate you visiting my Face book page.

I began my Arbonne journey in April of 2011. I recognised the incredible opportunity with Arbonne immediately once I understood what network marketing was and how the ability to leverage my time would allow me total FINANCIAL and TIME freedom, not just for a few years but for my lifetime. To have the ability to change lives across the globe, to be part of one of the most talked about health and well being companies in the industry, at a point in which is globalising.
This was an opportunity that I was NOT going to miss.

My background is in real estate. I loved what I was doing , but it didn’t allow me a low risk, high reward business. It was high risk and not always high rewards. Arbonne is a vehicle for me to have the lifestyle that I want , to work with who I want, to mentor, coach, train and help others to become successful, and ultimately allow me to work when I want , build an international business, travel and establish amazing friendships across the globe.

Please take a serious look at this opportunity with Arbonne. If you are looking for extra time to spend with your family, then Arbonne can give you just that. If you would like to have your own home based business, that gives you financial freedom , then Arbonne can give you that. I am in business for myself but not by myself. Equally, if you are just stopping by to look at our amazing pure, safe, and beneficial Swiss formulated skin care and cosmetics then please feel free to browse and email or call me with any questions.

Running my own "skin care " business was never on my career list!! I promise you! But let me ask you this..... If you continue to do what you are currently doing and nothing changes, what will your life look like in 5 years time? Will you be any further forward in your career, will you have more time or money to enjoy , will your savings be growing or shrinking? Fortunately I realised that there is no crystal ball, we don’t know what will happen tomorrow. So I saw this opportunity as a way to build security for the future, enrich others lives and have financial peace of mind. This wasn't just about selling skin care. I commenced building this along side everything else I do. That is what is so amazing about this industry. I didn’t have to give up something to build this. You may read this and wonder if this is for you. " Could I do this?" Well , please be open minded. I was not looking for this, but I feel so grateful that it found me.

So , if this has intrigued you at all then please give yourself the opportunity to hear more about this business. We hold regular Arbonne opportunity presentations across Sydney, the Illawarra and Southern Highlands. Email me if you would like to know dates and times. Until you have all the information about how this may be an opportunity for you, then I encourage you to find out more.

Thanks for taking the time to read this introduction and please get in touch if you have any questions at all or keep reading for some more information on WHY Arbonne and why NOW is the RIGHT time.


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I'm grateful for hair serum! The thought enters through my mind as I'm about to blast my hair with heat 😬 ...again! #simplethingsinlife #myhairmatters

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I have a super awesome millennial working alongside me in my Arbonne business. He happens to be my son (aged nearly 19). He happens to be at Uni, studying to be a Doctor. And he happens to be smart enough to figure out that he needed a Plan B to create an income, because the next 7 - 8 yrs he will be at Uni with very little income. He has time to work a part time job, volunteer at the hospital and build a business alongside his study. Yes, sometimes he feels exhausted. But who ever said the journey to success was easy? His Arbonne business will allow him to make money, earn a free Car (Mercedes Benz), meet amazing leaders who will encourage him and help him grow, travel, meet new people and the best part... teach him to help others do the same. This is the business of the 21st Century. Millennials are rocking this industry. WHO IS JOINING US? 💃🏽


Morning Inspiration...

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Good Morning. Where are all my superstar friends this morning ? What are you going to do today/this week to make things a little different? Please share. Inspire me 😊

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Photos from Jackie Biceski - Arbonne Independent Consultant's post

Anyone up for some science??

Photos from Jackie Biceski - Arbonne Independent Consultant's post

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My business is based on word of mouth referrals. So if you know me and my products and you like me and my products, please share. Don't keep it a secret. Your friends deserve to know too. Thank you ☺️

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Jack Delosa

Are you normal? Serious question... are you normal?

Back Towards Light

So True and still discovering

Photos from Jackie Biceski - Arbonne Independent Consultant's post

I have been predominantly surrounded by women in the 6 yrs of Arbonne. These women have taught me more about myself than I ever knew existed within me. She taught me how to feel love. From a deep heart space. Because that's what she radiated. She taught me to believe in myself. Because she had so much belief in herself and she was just like me. She taught me patience. Because I got to watch her successes after all her failures. She taught me gratitude. Because she thanked me for being in her life. She taught me resilience. Because I saw she never quit. She taught me to serve. Because I saw how many lives she changed. She taught me to dream big. Because her dreams were so big. She taught me weakness. Because she showed me her strength. She taught me about negativity. Because she always spoke positively. She taught me what gossip was. Because she refused to talk about people. She taught me about fear. Because she lived fearlessly. She taught me inner beauty. Because even on her worst days she was still so beautiful. She taught me how to live. Because she led the way to life. Happy International Women's Day! I show love and gratitude to every women in my life and to every women who wakes up and shares positivity and inspiration. You are greater than you will ever know! ❤❤❤❤

Photos from Jackie Biceski - Arbonne Independent Consultant's post

Arbonne Australia & New Zealand

Arbonne Australia & New Zealand

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Arbonne Contouring & Lifting Eye Creme - I love that we don't pay to be in magazines.

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