Williamstown Primary School
Williamstown Primary School - Victoria. An iconic community school steeped in over 140 years of history that prides itself on producing 'great kids'. Williamstown Primary School is the oldest school in the district with a history stretching back over 140 years. While a great deal has changed over time we remain an iconic institution in our local area, continuing to provide a high quality, broad and relevant education for our students.
The school has a well-planned, sequenced and relevant curriculum with a strong emphasis on the core subjects of literacy and numeracy. Our integrated units of work draw on the disciplines of science, history, health, geography and the environment. We have a comprehensive specialist program, which includes Art, Music, Italian, Information Technology, Physical Education and Library. We also have special assistance classes in literacy, educational aides to support classes for children with particular needs, as well as extension programs for children with special talents.
Central to the school’s development of resilient, respectful and good-humoured students is the Willy Kids Are Friendly Kids Program. This school-based social skills initiative has been the cornerstone of developing happy, friendly and resilient students for nearly twenty years. The values reflected in the program are an essential part of the school’s ethos and underpin its approach to all areas from parent participation to curriculum delivery.
During the past ten years three new buildings have been constructed housing library, art, music and physical education classes. Both our older buildings have been refurbished and a learning gallery established as a 5\6 learning space. With our building projects completed attention is now focussed on our grounds. A commitment to environmentally sustainable practices is evident in the development and maintenance of our play spaces and gardens.
The school is organised into three key areas: the junior school (Prep, 1 and 2), middle school (years 3/4) and the upper school (years 5/6). We have a policy of maintaining smaller class sizes in Prep-2 and a maximum of 28 students in all other grades. The school operates on a rotating six-day timetable to ensure that all classes have equal and regular access to our specialist program.
Our partnership with parents and families is strong with active family participation being encouraged through the Friends of Willy. We value and recognise the many and varied ways that families of students and the broader community contribute to our school and the positive impact this has on students and the school.
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As we head into the holidays our new science room had its cabinets installed. All on track for start of 2017.
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To all our Willy family and friends, thank you for another brilliant year! Best wishes as you bring in the new year, and we look forward to seeing you all in 2017!
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Our Year Twos with the gifts they have purchased to donate to the Les Twentyman Foundation, using the money they raised from the Wishing Tree Stall. We're very proud of their efforts!
Photos from Williamstown Primary School's post
The Grade Twos are proud to announce that we raised a massive $1529.05 at today's Wishing Tree Stall! A huge thanks to all our generous customers and the many parents and friends who lent a hand manning the stalls, baking delicious treats and crafting gorgeous items. The money will be used to purchase gifts for underprivileged children.
Photos from Williamstown Primary School's post
One step closer to completing our science room. Floors complete. Next up cabinets and furniture.
Photos from Williamstown Primary School's post
Our end of year Music Concert on Thursday evening showcased our magical Marimba Band, fantastic Choir and our 5/6 Rock Band. What fantastic performances they turned on for us! Thanks to Matt Scalzo and Lynne Georgiadis for co-hosting the evening- great work to you and your wonderful support team of staff and parents. Thank you for another fabulous year of performance! More photos coming we hope, but check out the stars of 'Paper, Scissors, Rock' who featured on the night!
Photos from Williamstown Primary School's post
The contenders in this year's 3/4 Times tables Challenge. We are very proud of you all! Such wonderful Willy Kids ready to have a red-hot-go!
Photos from Williamstown Primary School's post
Meet our new Champions of the Year 3/4 Timestables Challenge for 2016. Congratulations Callum, Year 3 champ and Angus Year 4 champ. Our hats go off to you both and to your very worthy opponents Charlie and Finn! A brilliant battle fought well!
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Yesterday the Year 1 and 2 students were lucky enough to have a special visit from Claire Garth, author of the very sweet Grover McBane series of books. Also tagging along was the star of the books, Grover the border collie. We love all our signed copies of the books - thanks Claire and Grover!
Photos from Williamstown Primary School's post
We're very excited to be welcoming our newest Willy Kids to the world of formal education in 2017. Our Kinder friends have enjoyed their transition sessions in preparation for starting school. Tonight their families are listening and learning from Sally Ward, Early Childhood Educator from the Early Life Foundation, about how we can all support our children's school readiness.
Lacrosse Victoria
Congrats to our girls and their coach, Paddy, on a great win today!
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All the fun and challenge of a low ropes course!