Want a no fuss children's party? Just choose from a rang of prepared activities, games and cakes. Or pick from one of our ready made party packs.
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What the colour change cake looks like on the inside.
Another colour change cake. This one is rainbow vanilla. 2 available at $10 each. I'll put them up here for an hour or so before I put them on any other page :)
Colour changing cake! 2 available at $15 each. Chocolate or Marble.
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Hey all. Just letting you know that I will soon be putting up some small cakes to help fund-raise some money to help a very special dog get chemotherapy. As always I will post the cakes up here first to see if anyone wants them before I put them on other pages. Keep an eye out, they will be very reasonably priced!
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Australia Day Cupcakes! Just the thing to bring to your Aussie Day BBQ. Green and Gold Vanilla or Chocolate Lamington. $15 for a dozen. Choose just one flavour or have a mixed pack. Can deliver tomorrow morning.