Future Focused
Future Focused offers professional Hypnotherapy, NLP and Time Line Therapy(R). STOP wallowing in the past and take control of your future.
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IS YOUR FEAR OF NEEDLES BEING MORE THAN A PRICK? Did you know? About 23% of people have a fear of needles, AND, 20% of those people avoid medical treatment because of this phobia! Fight the Fear Head On! Be smart about your health. 0421 206 709 or email clairewyles88@hotmail.com
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Yesterday i broke this wooden board in two with only one palm punch. Am i trained in martial arts? No. Am i physically super strong? Far from it! Did i believe i could do it? Hell yeah! Thats why its now in half! I overcame that voice in my head that was telling me its impossible, that i cant do it, that im not strong enough... Are your thoughts keeping you from success? #BelieveInYourself #Focus #Energy #Power #FutureFocused #NLP
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"Energy Flows Where The Attention Goes" this is a quote i had heard many time during my life, but it wasn't until my NLP training that the meaning actually sunk in and that light bulb went off in my head! A lot of people (and i was guilty of this as well), say things like "I don't want to be fat" "I don't want to be broke" "I don't want to have low self esteem" "I don't want to be sad" But where is the focus in these statements? It's focused on what you DON'T want! By a simple reframe if these sentences to "I want to be fit and healthy" "I want to be financially independent" "I want to be confident and have high self worth" and " I want to be happy" all of a sudden your energy is focused on what you DO want!! and the results will follow ... So, Where is your energy flowing?
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Most people live their lives dealing with all the "stuff" of what they believe Life has handed them. Are you living on the effect side of everything around you? STOP! Find out how you can take CONTROL of your life! Book a FREE 30 minute consultation with Claire, Now, and start feeling empowered! Call 0421 206 709.
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It's been said time and time again "I will quit smoking" time now for some ACTION! Book now for a free 30 minute consultation to find out how hypnosis can help you finally ditch the habit! Call Claire on 0421 206 709
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Need some help shifting those extra Kg's? Book today for a FREE 30 minute consultation now to find out how hypnosis can help you! Call Claire on 0421 206 709
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Future Focused