Deakin Waurn Ponds Cafes
5 cafes to choose from.
The Hub Bistro
Natural 1
Barista Bar
Market Hall
all day cafe bar
so many great places to choose from - open to everyone. WE LOVE OUR LOCALS.
HUB Bistro - Dine in, Open some night, beer garden, Fairtrade, Licensed FREE WIFI and parking.
NATURAL 1 - in the CSIRO building, dine in, Grab & Go, Fairtrade, Licensed.
BARISTA BAR - Grab & Go, Fairtrade
MARKET HALL - Grab & Go, Fairtrade, Food Court
ALL DAY CAFE BAR - coffee, cake, hot pies, breakfast rolls, granola, fruit, cake, yoghurt, cheese and biscuits etc, milk shakes & smoothies
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YAY it's burger night! Mention this post and we'll throw in a pot of Carlton or a soft drink.
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Thanks for supporting our first burger night - we heart you all. See you next Tuesday! 6-8 only $10!
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We Heart our locals! Please join us at THE HUB for favourites night. Wednesdays 6-8pm. $14.90 choose from 4 of our best: Chicken Parmi, Calamari & Chips, The Hub Pizza or Veggie Fritters and we'll throw in a glass of wine or a beer. Free Parking & Free Wifi
Photos from Deakin Waurn Ponds Cafes's post
Market Hall - food for everyone. Grab & Go, fairtrade and DELICIOUS #whattochoose? #hardtopick #somanychoices
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Don't forget - Wednesday is our FAVOURITES NIGHT - parmi, burger, veggi fritters or calamari AND we'll throw in a cold beer, wine or moscato -only $14.90.
Deakin Waurn Ponds Cafes
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$10 Burger night - everyone welcome #welovethelocals
Photos from Deakin Waurn Ponds Cafes's post
Gastromic delights served today and everyday at Hub Bistro - #theartofeatingwell #localswelcome #cauliflowerandwalnutsalad #beefnachos #vegifritters
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6 amazing choices, fairtrade, free wifi, free parking, free smiles
Deakin Waurn Ponds Cafes
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