Warner Lakes Dental is a family friendly, prevention oriented, patient-centered dental office that offers a full range of services to the community. Warner Lakes Dental is a family friendly, prevention oriented, patient-centered dental office that offers a full range of services to the community.
All of us want your time at Warner Lakes Dental to the easiest and most comfortable dental experience that you’ve ever had. We strive to make everything as amenable and pleasurable as possible. From parking to treatment, we try to make the entire process as simple and painless as possible.
Our Special Offers
Comprehensive Examination, X-rays (2), Scaling/Prophy, Fluoride Treatment, Oral Hygiene Instructions, Complete Treatment Planning and Free Patient Pack all for a low cost of $149!
Mention this ad when making an appointment to get the discount above
New Latest State of the Art Technology for Pain Less Injection and Anaesthesia
Very comfortable
Reduces anxiety
Quick onset and easy to use
Straight back to work without the numb feeling of face/lips
FREE Invisalign Consultation
Bulk Bill for children who are eligible for MEDICARE CHILD DENTAL BENEFIT SCHEDULE
Up to $1000 worth of dental treatments over two years
Same day emergency appointment guaranteed
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To make your dental treatments more affordable, we are pleased to offer you a GAP Free check-up, clean, X-rays, and fluoride treatment (HCF, CBHS, NIB, AHM and DEFENCE HEALTH funds). Click on the link below to find out more
Photos from Warner Lakes Dental's post
Thank you to all that have supported us and attended our OPEN DAY. Special Thank you goes to Nikki Boyd our lovely State MP who could give us her time from her busy schedule We are Officially open and trading from Monday 12/6. Call us on ph: 3448 0162 for an appointment
Grand Opening Specials
* FREE consultation for any dental treatment * New patient comprehensive checkup and clean starting from $149 * Low and Affordable Prices in North Brisbane OPEN Day Sunday 11th of June 10AM - 1PM CLICK on the link to find out more
Warner Lakes Dental opening very soon... Stay tuned and follow us on this page For any questions call us on Ph 3448 0162
Timeline Photos
Happy International Women's Day!
BREAKING NEWS: Child Dental Benefits Scheme extended in 2017!
The Australian Dental Association (ADA) has applauded announcement by the Turnbull Government and its Health Minister, Greg Hunt, to reinstate the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) cap to $1,000. The Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) provides basic dental care for children of low-income families. Children of eligible families, aged 2 to 17, have been able to receive up to $1,000 of dental care over a 2 year period. Services included examinations, x-rays, cleanings, fissure sealing, fillings, root canals, and extractions.