Emmaus College Melbourne
Emmaus is well recognised for its excellence in Catholic education in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne.
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facebook.comIf you are an ex student of Emmaus and haven't joined the Emmaus College Alumni page make sure you do, there's lots of old photos online today. https://www.facebook.com/groups/237540999918454/
Photos from Emmaus College Melbourne's post
Our newsletter is available via our website: ww.emmaus.vic.edu.au Here it is as a jpeg if you cant read a PDF file.
2016 Emmaus Italy Tour
Congratulations to Alex Brennan, Emmaus Dux 2016 99.05 Congratulations to Eliza Whitford VCE Premiers Award winner 2016 Congratulations to Emmaus Top 10 VCE students 2016 College Dux and Top 10 Performers Student ATAR 1 Alex BRENNAN 99.05 2 Eliza WHITFORD 98.40 3 Chelsea OHLSON 97.85 4 Ruth de la PENA 97.70 5 Noah BENNETT 97.40 6 Lara GRIFFIN 96.10 7 Chloe MEDWIN 96.10 8 Emma TIBBALLS 95.45 9 Mikaela MISSO 95.05 10 Conor DAY 94.90
Congratulations to all our students who got their VCE results today (and a couple on Friday!). Well done.
Timeline Photos
A thanks from the people at #fightlikeMaddie for our fundraising. https://twitter.com/MaddiesVision/status/807866822062051328
Timeline Photos
Everyone is on stage for the final songs of the Twilight Concert
Photos from Emmaus College Melbourne's post
Twilight Music Concert Christmas theme this year ♫♫♫♫
Photos from Emmaus College Melbourne's post
Thanks to the talented ladies from Secret Blossom for the beautiful flowers tonight
Photos from Emmaus College Melbourne's post
Valedictory Dinner tonight at Etihad Stadium
Photos from Emmaus College Melbourne's post
Valedictory Dinner tonight at Etihad Stadium, congratulations to our Valedictorians!