Hunter TAFE - Massage, Sport & Fitness
Courses in Massage Sport and Fitness.
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Are you interested in getting your Diploma in Remedial Massage. Click the link below for full details of course dates and the enrolment information sessions.
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Are you considering doing your Cert 3 or Cert 4 in Fitness ? Click on the link to see course dates and information sessions.,%22filters%22:%5B%22ctl00_ctl28_g_306fb48e_6b4e_41d3_8260_8bbcbbdc7822_ctl00_chkFaculties_22%22,%22ctl00_ctl28_g_306fb48e_6b4e_41d3_8260_8bbcbbdc7822_ctl00_chkCampuses_9%22%5D%7D Already completed but would like to get your Diploma in Fitness Click on the link below for the details.
Hunter TAFE - Massage, Sport & Fitness
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Group Exercise Course (Fee Free) - Dont Miss out !! This course is being held at the Gosford Campus starting 28th October 2016. It will be run over 5 Friday Mornings from 9.30am - 12.30pm. If you are interested please contact me on
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Need to correct a training imbalance or give that chronic injury special attention, a sports-remedial massage treatment could be the answer. Public $18 Pensioner Concession $15 TAFE Staff $15 TAFE Students $15 Sessions Commencing Wednesday 5 October 2016 Wednesdays - 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 6pm and 7pm Saturdays - 12:30pm, 1:30pm and 2:30pm Clinic Location: Level 1 Wing DE Building D (Clegg) Newcastle Campus (Tighes Hill) To make an appointment call Louise 4923 71364923 7136
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Download the New App !
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FEE FREE Aqua Fitness DON'T MISS OUT ! - If you interested in taking part in the FEE FREE Aqua Fitness Course, it is being held Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd October 2016 at Singleton Gym & Swim. Saturday 22nd - 9.30am to 4pm Sunday 23rd - 10am to 4pm Must attend both sessions The enrollments are done on the first day and the course starts on the first day. You will need to bring your Medicare card and another form of id with you to enroll. Please check the eligibility as well. Just let us know if you plan on attending and your name will be added to the list. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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REMINDER - Fee Free Sports Trainer Strapping Don't Forget that the Fee Free Sports Trainer Strapping is being held this Saturday 15th and Sunday 15th October 2016 from 10am to 4pm at Singleton Gym & Swim. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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Certificate 4 in Fitness - Information Session If you are interested in undertaking a course for Certificate 4 in Fitness, we are holding and information session tomorrow night, Wednesday 12th October 2016 at 6pm. It will be held in Block D, level 1, Room DE 1.16. This course will start on the 29th October 2016 and will run till Sunday the 20th November 2016. If you would like any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
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Fee-free* courses are a great opportunity to try a new area of study, build skills for your career, or as a business owner, increase the capability of your staff. They are ideal for: - People who are already working and are looking to gain skills to further their career, - People who are not sure what they want to do, and can enrol in these programs as a taster, and - Businesses who want to upskill their staff – we can develop training to meet your needs. What does fee-free* mean? Fee-free* means that the training is fully subsidised by the NSW Government – if you meet eligibility criteria, there is no enrolment fee. What do I get when I complete a fee-free* course? When you complete a fee-free* course with Hunter TAFE, you will receive a Transcript of Academic Record detailing the nationally-recognised competencies that you have achieved. You can use the skills you have gained to advance your career, join a new workplace or return to Hunter TAFE and gain credit for the units you have already completed in a nationally recognised qualification. What fee-free* courses are available and how do I enrol? Select your preferred course from the comprehensive listing below and follow the prompts. If you can't see the course you are interested in, please submit an enquiry online or call us on 131 225. For more information please click on the link and scroll down to the "Community, Health and Fitness section and check out our available courses.
Hunter TAFE - Massage, Sport & Fitness