Core-Connections uses many disciplines like Kinesiology, Acupressure, and Traditional Chinese Medicine to bring wellness, and balance into your life. Are you in pain, physical or emotional?
Are you tired or stressed?
Is there something stopping you from being all you know you could be?
Please Call Us. We can help.
0431 618 283
At Core-Connections, we use integrated complimentary medicine, including Holistic Kinesiology and Acupressure, to help the body to heal itself.
When mind, body and spirit are working together, healing can happen. Facilitating healing to happen is what we are all about!
Holistic Kinesiology basically uses a mixture of counselling and the muscles of the body, to find out what is stopping you from being well, healthy and happy. Combining that with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Body Psychology, once we find the underlying cause for stress, we can then see what would be the best approach for healing, whether it involves working with muscles, emotions, nutrition, energetic healing etc.
So, Integrative Complimentary Medicine helps you to become well by unearthing and dissolving the core factors that are undermining your well being, and brings balance and healing to your life.
And after a session, (and often a good sleep!), you then feel as wonderful as you should be feeling.
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I love this 5 elements exercise. It's one I use a lot. Enjoy.
Six Pillars of Energy Medicine
Well written article about energy work, and some possibly theories about how it might work. I see how amazing it is in clinic, but nice to see a pschologist on board.
Shocking New Role Found for the Immune System: Controlling Social Interactions
Very interesting article about the immune system and the ability to socialise. It always comes back to buidling up a healthy gut and therefore healthy immune system.... . Finally science is confirming what we have been saying for years. Good to see.
Essential Oils Can Help ADHD
Vetiver, cedarwood and rosemary assist brain function. Good article. I've provided these in nasal inhalers with good results in clinic. It's nice to have something easy to do that assists, but always worth trying a little to begin with, everybody reacts differently and essential oiils are quite powerful.
The Truth About Cancer Ultimate Live Symposium Replay Starting October 21-23
They are replaying this great symposium. It is free to watch, streaming live now. I'd strongly recomend it.
The Truth About Cancer presents the Ultimate Live Symposium October 14th-16th
I watched the Ty Bollinger webinars on "The Truth about Cancer" and they were fascinating. He has now brought out a book with the same name that should be worth a read. So, I'm sharing this free symposium to you, in the hopes it will be as good. Enjoy.
College of Complementary Medicine - RTO 91396
Finally science is proving what ancient wisdom has known for 4000 years. This is fantastic that it is being validated, sometimes I just wish they would accept that Complimentary Medicine works, without needing their science to validate it. I, like other practitioners, see Complimentary Medicine healing lives every day in our clinics, isn't that enough?!
Vagus Nerve Stimulation Dramatically Reduces Inflammation
Interesting article on the Vagus nerve. Haven't tried the electrical stimulation system myself, but do know that when I calm the vagal nerve through working with sympathetic and social nervous system, along with body work, we have amazing results in pain, inflammation and stress relief. (Stress and inflammation are of course linked too.) Another major cause of inflammation is diet, and acidity levels in the gut. That too can be fixed when you reduce your intake of acidic foods, like red meat (particularly grain fed), and grains.
Dr. Wayne Dyer - Free Video Series - Awaken to the Divine Intelligence Within
I'm attaching a link to some great video's from the late, amazing Wayne Dwyer. You do have to sign up for HayHouse newletters to access them, but that is worthwhile too, and its free, and you get some inspiring & inspirational blogs from them. First video is: and second video is Enjoy!
Channel 4
David Wolfe
THis is such an inspiring story I had to share. I love to hear of the good that people are doing.
Health Australia Party
Don't know what their other policies are like yet, but nice to know that there is a group who will support medicare and alternative health. Worth a deeper look if you are unsure where your vote will go this year?