Common Ground is Melbourne's first Pay-As-You-Feel Event Space, located at the rear of Lentil As Anything Thornbury restaurant.
Common Ground is Melbourne's first Pay-As-You-Feel Event Space, located at the rear of Lentil As Anything Thornbury restaurant.
In adherence with Lentil's ethos, Common Ground welcomes community organisations and individuals to host classes, talks exhibitions, events and anything you as the community would like to share.
Follow our weekly activities on this page.
For inquiries about hiring the space:
Tell your friends
facebook.comJanuary 16th - 22nd AcTiViTiEs
January 8th - 14th AcTiViTiEs
January 2nd-8th 2017 AcTiViTiEs
Holiday season's activities
Welcome to Common Ground
Vegan Opshop
Welcome to Common Ground
Orkeztra Glasso Bashalde
December 12-18 Activities
Welcome to Common Ground
For inquiries and bookings email:
Common Ground - Community Event Space's cover photo
December 5th-11th Activities
Lentil As Anything
November 28th - December 4th Activities