Located on the northern beaches of Sydney, Palmland is a family-owned nursery specialising in Tropical, Palm Springs and West Indies style gardens.
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The spectacular Bat Plant 🦇 breaking out all over the nursery @palmlandsydney 🌴 #batplant #tacca #taccachantrieri #unusualflowers #tropicalflower #tropical #tropicalgarden #garden #houseplant #plantinspiration #plantlovers #plantoftheday #palmland
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A little bit of greenery to cool you down on this hot Sydney day 😎🌱 @palmlandsydney 🌴 #philodendron #philodendronselloum #greenery #tropical #tropicalplant #tropicalgarden #garden #jungleplant #plantinspiration #plantlovers #plantoftheday #palmland
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Red as far as the eye can see ❤️ @palmlandsydney 🌴 #cordyline #cordylinefruticosa #rubra #redfoliage #foliage #tropicalfoliage #tropicalgarden #garden #accentplant #plantinspiration #plantlovers #plantoftheday #palmland
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The magnificent Blue Taro's foliage is as soft as a baby's bum 👶 @palmlandsydney 🌴 #bluetaro #xanthosoma #xanthosomaviolaceum #elephantears #foliage #tropical #tropicalfoliage #tropicalgarden #garden #junglestyle #junglegarden #plantinspiration #plantoftheday #plantlovers #palmland
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Canna 'Show Off' Emerald Sunset living up to its name! 💛😎 @palmlandsydney 🌴 #canna #cannalily #lily #showoff #emeraldsunset #tropical #tropicalgarden #garden #tropicalflower #orangeflower #plantinspiration #plantlovers #plantoftheday #palmland
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We have so many different cultivars of ferns, it's hard to pick a favourite...but I'm leaning towards the Button Fern 💚 #buttonfern #fern #fernery #pellaea #pellaearotundifolia #plantinspiration #plantoftheday #palmland #plantlovers
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Fresh in today, these lush (and super hardy!) Cast Iron Plants 🌱 @palmlandsydney 🌴 #castironplant #aspidistra #hardyplant #indoorplant #tropicalplant #houseplant #foliage #greenfoliage #plantinspiration #plantoftheday #palmland
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Can't get enough of these beautiful Hibiscus flowers 🌺 @palmlandsydney 🌴 #hibiscus #hibiscusrosasinensis #tropical #tropicalgarden #garden #summer #flower #tropicalflowers #plantinspiration #plantlovers #plantoftheday #palmland
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💚💚💚Surrounded by greenery @palmlandsydney 🌴 #Palmland #2016bestnine #greenery
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Happy New Year from all of us @palmlandsydney 🌴
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Wishing you all a safe and happy holidays 🎄 We are open everyday but Christmas Day @palmlandsydney 🌴#merrychristmas #happyholidays #feelingtropical #tropical #palm #palmtrees #palmland
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Baby Panda Grass 🐼 is a gorgeous addition to your tropical Bali-style garden @palmlandsydney 🌴 #babypandagrass #pogonatherum #pogonatherumpaniceum #tropical #tropicalgarden #garden #balistyle #baligarden #potplant #edging #edgingplant #plantinspiration #plantlovers #plantoftheday #palmland