Presenting the best arts and live entertainment on the NSW Mid North Coast. A cultural service of MidCoast Council.
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facebook.comSharing Manning River Times footage of the fantastic Taree Arts Council Inc Musical Theatre Workshop with Peter Cousens... a taste of things to come...
Happy Valentines Day to all caped crusaders of love, and all crusading caperers as well. Lots of love - Will S (the main man) xxx
See Prada's Priscillas here at the MEC by entering their comp for FREE tickets! Gotta be in it to win it...
The Peter Cousens Musical Theatre workshop kicked off today, and here's an MRI preview of what might have been going on inside the participants' heads.
Elvis fans are in the building! The crowd is LOVING the trio of Elvises (is that Elvi?)on stage this evening in ELVIS: AN AMERICAN TRILOGY. You still have time to make the second half from 9:05pm onwards, so come on over!
The incomparable Peter Cousens will bring his wealth of experience to a Musical Theatre Workshop this weekend. Saturday the 10th 1pm - 5pm & Sunday 11th 9am - 4 pm. Learn from one of the industry's Greats as Peter guides you through elements of Musical Theatre over 2 days. Numbers are limited so book now via this link:
Here's a delicious sampler of the magnificent Spooky Men's Chorale coming on Sunday 25th February. Too good to miss! Tickets at #ManningEntCent 🎥
The 2018 Manning Australia Day celebrations will be held at the Manning Entertainment Centre on Friday 26 January. Join us at 7:30am with a free breakfast (sausages, egg and bacon sandwiches, juices and tea and coffee) prepared by our local Service Clubs and entertainment featuring Manning Valley Concert Band and Sarah Murphy. Free stick-on tattoos and flags will be available for the children. The official ceremony will begin inside the comfort of the Manning Entertainment Centre at 9am with a didgeridoo performance, Welcome to Country, flag placement, addresses by our Mayor, State Member for Myall Lakes, High School leaders, local Ambassador, Citizenship Ceremony, National Anthem and presentation of local Australia Day Awards. The ceremony will conclude by 10am and will be followed by a morning tea in the foyer served by our local service clubs. (Last year the lamingtons were SUPERB!)
Stuck for a gift idea? Give the most entertaining gift of all! Drop in to our box office, or the info desk at Stockland Forster, or go the easy option and just click online. Perfect - that's Christmas sorted!
Had a large visitor in the Box Office today. We think he wanted to buy a gift voucher? #wildlife #taree #nature #beautiful