Magic the Gathering, D&D, WPN store, Citadel, 40k, Fantasy, Age of Sigmar, Magic the Gathering, Board Games and heaps of other awesome hobby products :)
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facebook.comReminder: We are closed on Mondays in the school holidays...
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Tables are ready to be used if anyone wants a game...
Photos from Lots Moore Gaming, Tamworth, NSW's post
Don't forget learn to play is on Today, come and check it out...
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My best mate and I made some Warhammer 40k scenery :) Itching to try it out :) #shadowwar #Armageddon #lotsmooregaming #tamworthnsw
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This Saturday, bring your friend :)
Lots Moore Gaming, Tamworth, NSW's cover photo
Lots Moore Gaming, Tamworth, NSW's cover photo
Lots Moore Gaming, Tamworth, NSW's cover photo
New England Nomads at Sydney Magic the Gathering Grand Prix 2017.
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Omg, this one is going in my keep forever binder :)
Lots Moore Gaming, Tamworth, NSW
And one more
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Happy bday Drew, your life story D&D style is still happening :) #tamworthnsw #lotsmooregaming