Healthy BodieZ
Health, fitness, nutrition, rehabilitation, core strengthening, foam rollers, and well-being!.
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This is the kind of transformation I like to see!! Out with the chemicals and in with the wholefood 🍑
Move It OR Lose It - By Kim Tyack
Check out my first ever blog post!!!! So excited to launch this!!!
Love this page!! Ladies helping motivate each other!! Check it out 👯 the link is here:
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Organic Fruit and veg that is cheaper then coffee ✨👌🏻
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what green goodness did you put in your body today??
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Our mind is a very powerful thing.. It can be used as a constructive tool or a weapon on mass destruction on how we feel. Practising mindful movement, gratitude and healthy eating is so important to keep our mindset strong! #thejuicylife #juiceplus