Shire healthcare
Natural Healthcare in the Sutherland Shire - To heal your body and improve your wellness.
Chiropractic Massage Acupuncture Orthotics Nutrition Counselling
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All of the gym treadmills are full, everyone’s posting pics of their healthy meal-planning conquests and you’ve purchased the latest heart-rate measuring, sleep-monitoring, calorie-counting wearable thing out there. A few weeks into the New Year and all of this can only mean one thing. Like millions of others, you made a New Year’s resolution to get fit. There is data that suggest a tiny 8 percent of us are successful at accomplishing resolutions each year. But, we know you’re a high-achiever and want to be in the 92 percent of those who achieve their resolutions, So here is some tips to keep fit this year Slow and Steady - Rome wasnt built in a day. Don't need to go all in or not at all. Find a friend to help stay accountable and workout together Dont be afraid to ask for help or guidance from a trainer or industry expert. Make sure you take time to recover and have treatments where needed. What “get fit” resolutions did you make this year? We want to help you achieve them here Shire healthcare Get in touch with us this weekend for health, nutrition, fitness guidance and massage or Chiro treatments // 9521 4448
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'EVERY TIME YOU EAT YOU ARE EITHER FEEDING DISEASE OR FIGHTING IT' "The secret to change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new" - - Socrates Your food is medicine! As a health coach, I'm finding that the self-empowered health movement is opening up so much opportunity for people to take action for their own health outcomes. While health professionals should always have a guiding role, the real way to make lifelong change in a person's life is the ability for them to see that they must be their own doctor, dentist and nutritionist everyday of their lives. We need to learn that we have a choice every time we put something in our mouth. Never forget that every move you make will influence not only your health today, but tomorrow and every day of your future! Rebecca // Food Fitness Wellness
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Yum! NOT FAST FOOD! REAL FOOD! Real food doesn't have to be boring! How good does this look! Dinner tonight for sure.. Here is @shanyaraleonie new take on a 'Happy Meal'. Homemade bun, smashed avo, pea shoots, chard, red onions, mozzarella, spicy lentil & sweet potato pattie with homemade tomato sauce & tahini cream. Check out the recipe!
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Calories are the foundation of almost every “diet plan” or “weight loss program”. If your body simply did the math of Calories in calories out as you ate, then counting calories to lose weight would be effortless. Of course, you’d also have to assume that all calories are created equal. And this is where the fairy tale of CICO starts to crumble. Eating excess calories makes you fat, but why are you eating excess calories? Eating less calories will help you lose weight (not necessarily fat, though), but why can’t you eat less food for a long period of time? Food is complex and understanding the impacts on our body show that not all calories are equal and a simple CICO equation to lose weight is a flawed approach.
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remember to always take care of your mental and physical health and wellbeing.
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" Prevention is the daughter of Intelligence " The beauty of preventing a disease is that you need to fully understand it so that you can anticipate its moves. The most exciting advances in healthcare are helping us to re-evaluate how we understand the complicated and detailed role of our lifestyle in health. Somewhere along the line, the faith in treatment vs the appreciation of prevention lost its balance. If there's anything we should teach our children today - is to understand the relationship between their own actions and health. Lets work towards a rewarding and intelligent future in self-empowered outcomes.
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Little bit of carrot love in the garden this afternoon.... 🥕
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A common misconception we regularly come across is that massage is just an indulgence, a treat to be enjoyed at a Spa whilst away on holidays. But regular massage treatments can be so much more than a luxury. In fact, these days that are full of sedentary lifestyles and hours spent at a desk, massage could almost be considered a necessity. Too often, we hear of people who have to take painkillers on a regular, even daily basis, just to deal with the pain they’re in. Pain which could be avoided with regular massage, and a sensible exercise and stretching routine.
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Getting your health on track for 2017 with a Health & Nutritional Coach. It’s easy to overlook all of the things that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. It’s not just the food we eat that affects our health, but all of the other factors present in our daily lives. Healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity, and a spiritual awareness are essential forms of nourishment. When these primary foods are balanced, what you eat becomes secondary. Rebecca will support you in achieving all of your goals, from eating the right foods for your body to living an inspired, fulfilling life.
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Do you exercise regularly? When you are challenging your body regularly, you should be treating your muscles to a regular massage. This can help keep you moving and injury free. Or are you someone who sits at a desk for at least 5 hours per day... Our bodies aren’t designed to be stuck at a desk all day, and this sets us up for all sorts of postural dysfunctions, from tight hamstrings, lower back pain and of course those tight shoulders and necks. Or are you not so great at Sleeping It is amazing how many people don’t have a proper night’s sleep. Sleep is extremely important! We recover and heal when we sleep. Massage therapy helps promote healthy sleep habits through by promoting relaxation. If you are sitting there nodding in agreement at 1 or more of these signs or some of the things we're saying is resonating with you, then you definitely need to book in for a massage. Call us to book in with Rob this weekend. 9521 4448
New York Post
Spinal care from granny!
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Are you a runner?? If so you’ve probably experienced shin splints a time or two. Shin Splints are defined as the pain associated with the repeated overuse of the lower legs. As annoying as they are to deal with, there are ways a chiropractor can help relieve the symptoms associated with shin splints. Have one of our chiropractors take a look at your ankle, knee and hip motions. Normal body motion occurs when the joints function properly. If you or someone you know suffers from shin splints this summer give us a call 9521 4448 We would love to be able to help anyone who is looking to stay active and pain free this summer!!